Global News BC: Vancouver police officer charged in collision with DTES pedestrian caught on camera #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #vancouverpoliceofficercharged #PoliceAccountability #vpdofficercharged #DowntownEastside #PedestrianStruck #PoliceOversight #vancouverpolice #OfficerCharged #dtescollision #Crime #DTES #VPD
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouverpoliceofficercharged #PoliceAccountability #vpdofficercharged #DowntownEastside #PedestrianStruck #PoliceOversight #vancouverpolice #officercharged #dtescollision #crime #dtes #VPD
Global News BC: Kelowna student assaulted by Mountie ‘disappointed’ with sentence #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #PoliceAccountability #rcmpassaultsentence #PoliceOversight #slaponthewrist #policeassault #LacyBrowning #RCMPsentence #RCMPassault #Sentencing #MonaWang #Sentence #Justice #News #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #PoliceAccountability #rcmpassaultsentence #PoliceOversight #slaponthewrist #policeassault #lacybrowning #rcmpsentence #rcmpassault #sentencing #monawang #sentence #justice #RCMP
Global News BC: Langley Mountie charged with assault over 2 seperate arrests #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #langleyrcmpofficercharged #langleymountiecharged #BCProsecutionService #PoliceAccountability #rcmpofficercharged #PoliceOversight #AssaultCharges #Mountiecharged #Assault #Crime #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #langleyrcmpofficercharged #langleymountiecharged #BCProsecutionService #PoliceAccountability #rcmpofficercharged #PoliceOversight #assaultcharges #mountiecharged #assault #crime #RCMP
"Lax police department policies enable officers to muffle or obscure the camera’s view, sometimes blocking critical evidence that could be used in court." #bodycam #bodycamfootage #policeaccountability
#bodycam #bodycamfootage #PoliceAccountability
Police violations of Charter rights highlight the need for accountability and transparency
#Canada #Politics #Police #HumanRights #PoliceViolence #RacialProfiling #RCMP #PoliceBias #PoliceRacism #PoliceAbuse #PoliceAccountability #CharterOfRights
#canada #politics #Police #humanrights #policeviolence #racialprofiling #RCMP #policebias #policeracism #policeabuse #PoliceAccountability #charterofrights
Global News BC: Myles Gray: Inquest set to begin 7 years after fatal confrontation with police #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #IndependentInvestigationsOffice #PoliceAccountability #policeinvolveddeath #mylesgrayinquest #PoliceOversight #vancouverpolice #MylesGraydeath #MylesGray #Inquest #Crime #Gray #IIO #VPD
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #IndependentInvestigationsOffice #PoliceAccountability #policeinvolveddeath #mylesgrayinquest #PoliceOversight #vancouverpolice #mylesgraydeath #mylesgray #Inquest #crime #gray #IIO #VPD
Global News BC: Another VPD officer facing obstruction of justice probe gets sought-after assignment #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #vancouverpoliceunderinvestigation #burnabycrashinvestigation #ObstructionofJustice #PoliceAccountability #PoliceOversight #vancouverpolice #PoliceAct #Vancouver #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouverpoliceunderinvestigation #burnabycrashinvestigation #obstructionofjustice #PoliceAccountability #PoliceOversight #vancouverpolice #policeact #Vancouver #crime
Global News BC: Questions about Surrey RCMP unit’s tactics prompt internal review #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #SouthCommunityResponseUnit #CommunityResponseUnit #PoliceAccountability #PoliceOversight #internalreview #SurreyRCMP #Police #Crime #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #southcommunityresponseunit #communityresponseunit #PoliceAccountability #PoliceOversight #internalreview #SurreyRCMP #police #crime #RCMP
Global News BC: No current plans for B.C. to follow Alberta police body camera mandate: Minister #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #PoliceAccountability #b.c.body-worncamera #b.c.policecamera #Body-worncameras #PoliceBodyCamera #body-worncamera #PoliceOversight #MikeFarnworth #bodycamera #camera #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #PoliceAccountability #b #body #policebodycamera #PoliceOversight #MikeFarnworth #bodycamera #Camera #crime
Global News BC: New details on VPD officers facing possible dismissal in death of Myles Gray #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #officeofthepolicecomplaintcommissionre #PoliceAccountability #mylesgrayofficers #Policeuseofforce #PoliceOversight #vancouverpolice #MylesGraydeath #vpddiscipline #vpdmilesgray #MylesGray #Crime #OPCC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #officeofthepolicecomplaintcommissionre #PoliceAccountability #mylesgrayofficers #Policeuseofforce #PoliceOversight #vancouverpolice #mylesgraydeath #vpddiscipline #vpdmilesgray #mylesgray #crime #OPCC
Global News BC: 7 Vancouver police officers could face suspension, dismissal in death of Myles Gray #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #officeofthepolicecomplaintcommissioner #PoliceAccountability #PoliceOversight #vancouverpolice #MylesGraydeath #PoliceWatchdog #MylesGray #Crime #OPCC #IIO
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #officeofthepolicecomplaintcommissioner #PoliceAccountability #PoliceOversight #vancouverpolice #mylesgraydeath #PoliceWatchdog #mylesgray #crime #OPCC #IIO
Global News BC: Court delay frustrates family of Indigenous man who died during Prince George arrest #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #PoliceAccountability #RCMPofficerscharged #PrinceGeorgeRCMP #DaleCulverdeath #PoliceOversight #PrinceGeorge #RCMPcharged #courtdelay #DaleCulver #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #PoliceAccountability #rcmpofficerscharged #princegeorgercmp #daleculverdeath #PoliceOversight #PrinceGeorge #rcmpcharged #courtdelay #daleculver #crime
Global News BC: Alberta civilian police watchdog to lead probe into historical Prince George RCMP allegations #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #AlbertaSeriousIncidentResponseTeam #MisconductAllegations #PoliceAccountability #RCMPInvestigation #PrinceGeorgeRCMP #Indigenousgirls #PoliceOversight #RCMPAllegations #PrinceGeorge #Indigenous #Misconduct #Crime #ASIRT #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #albertaseriousincidentresponseteam #misconductallegations #PoliceAccountability #rcmpinvestigation #princegeorgercmp #indigenousgirls #PoliceOversight #rcmpallegations #PrinceGeorge #indigenous #misconduct #crime #asirt #RCMP
Global News BC: Lawsuit filed against ex-Delta cop fired for sexual communications with would-be recruit #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #policesexualharassment #PoliceSexualMisconduct #deltapolicedepartment #PoliceAccountability #deltapolcielawsuit #PoliceOfficerFired #policeofficersued #Policemisconduct #PoliceOversight #deltacopfired #Deltapolice #varunnaidu #Crime #Delta
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #policesexualharassment #policesexualmisconduct #deltapolicedepartment #PoliceAccountability #deltapolcielawsuit #policeofficerfired #policeofficersued #policemisconduct #PoliceOversight #deltacopfired #Deltapolice #varunnaidu #crime #delta
Global News BC: Outside investigators to probe historical misconduct allegations at Prince George RCMP #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #historicalallegations #PoliceAccountability #princegeorgemounties #PrinceGeorgeRCMP #rcmpinvestigated #Indigenousgirls #IndigenousWomen #RcmpComplaint #PoliceReview #Farnworth #Mounties #Crime #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #historicalallegations #PoliceAccountability #princegeorgemounties #princegeorgercmp #rcmpinvestigated #indigenousgirls #indigenouswomen #rcmpcomplaint #policereview #farnworth #Mounties #crime #RCMP
Global News BC: Criminal probe of historical allegations about Prince George Mounties remains active: RCMP #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #mountiesinvestigated #officersinvestigated #PoliceAccountability #policeallegations #judgedavidramsay #PrinceGeorgeRCMP #PrinceGeorge #DavidRamsay #Indigenous #Crime #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #mountiesinvestigated #officersinvestigated #PoliceAccountability #policeallegations #judgedavidramsay #princegeorgercmp #PrinceGeorge #davidramsay #indigenous #crime #RCMP
Police believe the bodies of three indigenous women are in a landfill, but they refuse to search it to recover their remains and insist the families pay for any search of the landfill. Please sign this petition to apply pressure on the police to do their job.
#justice #indigenous #PoliceAccountability #SocialJustice #Winnipeg #Justice4MorganHarris #Justice4MercedesMyran #BuffaloWoman
#Justice #indigenous #PoliceAccountability #socialjustice #winnipeg #justice4morganharris #justice4mercedesmyran #buffalowoman
Harrowing story of a man's death in the King County jail after experiencing a #MentalHealth crisis and being subjected to prone restraint by police and jail guards: #Homelessness #PoliceAccountability #Seatle
#mentalhealth #homelessness #PoliceAccountability #seatle
This, along with many other instances over the same time period, has led to an ongoing federal investigation into Louisiana PD for abuse of force and racial profiling. There are many other cases still awaiting charges
Even the police use of force trainers that typically defend police in every trial have made statements against this use of force, yet the police swept it under the rug and protected the officers
We still demand convictions
#justiceforgreene #acab #PoliceAccountability