RT @Bliadhnaichean@twitter.com
AnnoyING #PritiFascist卐 @pritipatel@twitter.com🥥 every day.
Day 414
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Bliadhnaichean/status/1522215104225284101
#gtto #PritiFascist卐 #annoyance #killthebill #PoliceCrackdownBill #CHISbill #freeassangenow #RefugeesWelcomeHere #extinctionrebellion #ClimateStrike #SaveGaia #SaveOurNHS
Anne-Sophie Simpere (@asimpere): "#UK + de pouvoirs pour la police, - de #Droitdemanifester 👉 the #PolicingBill #PoliceCrackdownBill must be stopped" | FDNitter – https://nitter.fdn.fr/asimpere/status/1414675116143820809#m
#uk #droitdemanifester #policingbill #PoliceCrackdownBill
@xrbraunschweig [RT 🐦GretaThunberg]
”When your empty words are not enough, when the protests grow too loud — you respond by making the protests illegal.”
#RightToProtest #PoliceCrackdownBill https://t.co/Nres58nuFQ
[RT 🐦igorpianist]
Brillant. Schmerzhaft.
#FridaysForFuture #GretaThunberg #Grundrechte #OurFuture
#ourfuture #grundrechte #Gretathunberg #FridaysForFuture #PoliceCrackdownBill #Righttoprotest
The #PoliceCrackdownBill will decimate protest rights, entrench digital strip searches, extend racist surveillance, and much more. It’s full of extreme, anti-democratic powers.
It now goes to the House of Lords. We’ll keep fighting against these excessive powers.
📣Our democracy is nothing without the right to protest. The #PoliceCrackdownBill poses a direct threat to that right!
With the Bill back in the Commons today, we urge MPs to remove the protest section from the Bill entirely.
Read our briefing here⤵️
⚠️ NEW: MPs scrutinising the #PoliceCrackdownBill have *failed* to change the legislation to safeguard protest rights.
The Bill could lead to protests being restricted just for being noisy! 🗣
We’re absolutely clear, the right to protest must be protected. ✊
I have not been able to attend any protests this year due to covid, but I hope to get to this one.
Join us on streets up and down the country to defeat the #PoliceCrackdownBill.
We will not be divided. We will not be defeated. We will #KillTheBill.
#killthebill #PoliceCrackdownBill
RT @SexWorkHive@twitter.com
We are absolutely devastated by this attempt to add the Nordic Model to the #PoliceCrackdownBill.
The Nordic Model hurts sex workers and makes us less safe. It's sickening to add it to this already terrible and repressive bill.
Stop killing sex workers: #KillTheBill. https://twitter.com/labour4decrim/status/1371903623408590851
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SexWorkHive/status/1371906922392211458
#KillTheBill #PoliceCrackdownBill
Anne-Sophie Simpere (@asimpere): "La #PoliceCrackdownBill prévoit que la police pourra intervenir si une manifestation a un "impact", l'impact pouvant être le simple fait de "gêner" des personnes... 🤦♀️#Droitdemanifester #RoyaumeUni Le texte qui passe cette semaine au Parlement UK: https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/cbill/58-01/0268/200268.pdf" | FDNitter – https://nitter.fdn.fr/asimpere/status/1371232917624664066#m
#PoliceCrackdownBill #droitdemanifester #royaumeuni
I hope everyone in the UK catches up on this Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts #PoliceCrackdownBill being rushed through. Unrelated to COVID, it further and permanently restricts our right to protest, with sentences of up to 10 years for causing "serious annoyance" or "inconvenience".
It seems to further restrict even "one-person protests". You can be banned from protesting if you're making too much "noise" or having an "impact [which] may be significant".
Or you know... protesting.
RT @SistersUncut@twitter.com
A police force already drunk on power cannot be trusted with more.
Yet this is what the government want to give them in the #PoliceCrackdownBill. Last night’s events show that this must be stopped.
No more police powers. More police powers means more violence against women.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SistersUncut/status/1371006184333975553