Tim Hollo · @timhollo
1563 followers · 623 posts · Server aus.social

Big news - Jonno is taking his brilliant grassroots, system-changing politics to the Brisbane Lord Mayoral race. This’ll be exciting.

You can also learn how to replicate what he did on council in a workshop he’s running at our The Green Institute conference on Friday!


#democracy #grassroots #PoliticalEcology #greens #participatorydemocracy

Last updated 1 year ago

Scott Matter · @scottmatter
871 followers · 3191 posts · Server aus.social

Finishing my Friday with this excellent read: “Fractal approaches to scaling transformations to sustainability”

I deeply appreciate when someone has done the thinking and writing that pulls together a bunch of threads I’m interested in. I’m very excited now to use this as a starting point for engaged projects. The big picture framing I’ve been using is “societal transitions for planetary wellbeing”… and I love how this fractal metaphor is helping me connect small, feasible initiatives and actions with much larger purposes and objectives.


#research #academic #sustainability #socialchange #systemschange #systems #PoliticalEcology #Interbeing #socialtheory #actionresearch

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim Hollo · @timhollo
1540 followers · 604 posts · Server aus.social

Ten days and counting until this fantastic conference kicks off in Meanjin / Brisbane and online!

Are you interested in how we can survive and thrive together as all the shit starts hitting all the fans?

Interested in how we feed ourselves? How we make decisions? How we don’t be racist? How we design for people not cars, and for heat and affordability and liveability together?

Come along!


#democracy #urbanism #urbanagriculture #urbanecology #PoliticalEcology #greens #decolonisation #transport #climate

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim Hollo · @timhollo
1531 followers · 602 posts · Server aus.social

You really must read this wonderful post by @_MillieRooney, using Alone Australia to explore how our systems of economy and government keep us alone and how we can come together to Renovate Australia and build a collaborate state.

My only dispute, as we’ve discussed, is whether what emerges from that should be called a “state”. I think not. But that’s a quibble.

Let’s bloody do this thing.


#democracy #PoliticalEcology #community #collaboration

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim Hollo · @timhollo
1530 followers · 598 posts · Server aus.social

Here we go - pleased to bring you the registration for online tickets for our upcoming conference, "The City Transformed: urban life at the end of the world as we know it"


If you can make it to Brisbane, here's where you get your in person tickets:

#urbanism #democracy #transformation #ecology #PoliticalEcology #urbanagriculture #greens

Last updated 1 year ago

Special 8 article special issue of 'Ecology, Economy and Society–the INSEE Journal', on Political Ecology. 2023, 6(2) ecoinsee.org/journal/ojs/index @PolEcoNet @INSEE16


Last updated 1 year ago

Linville, D. D., (2023) “Book review of Meehan, K., N. Mirumachi, A. Loftus, and M. Akhter. 2023. Water: a critical introduction”, Journal of Political Ecology 30(1). journals.librarypublishing.ari


Last updated 1 year ago

Movik, S., (2023) “Book review of Kristin Asdal and Hilde Reinertsen. 2021. Doing document analysis: A practice-oriented method”, Journal of Political Ecology 30(1). doi: doi.org/10.2458/jpe.5417


Last updated 1 year ago

Ejsing, M., (2023) “Living with others: On multispecies resurgence in the altered forest landscapes of the Anthropocene”, Journal of Political Ecology 30(1), 316–334. doi: doi.org/10.2458/jpe.5224


Last updated 1 year ago

Alena Saleth, L. & Varov, I., (2023) “Anticipating lithium extraction in northern Portugal: A Sacrifice Zone in the making?”, Journal of Political Ecology 30(1), 294–315. doi: doi.org/10.2458/jpe.4849


Last updated 1 year ago

Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
601 followers · 2401 posts · Server tldr.nettime.org

: "In a system where, as Gorz puts it, “we produce nothing of what we consume, and consume nothing of what we produce,” it is up to each and every one of us, connecting with others as a collective mass, to regain control over the meaning of work and over the determination of the needs that legitimize it. This is also the way for us to question the disastrous impact that the economy is having on the environment through its blind logic of profit and growth.

Firstly, we have to get rid of the productivist ideology of work, which is promoted by employers but also by an important part of the Left, leading us to believe that work is a natural thing with its own inherent value, regardless of its economic purpose and environmental impact. Secondly, we have to move away from the injunction, promoted through advertising, to consume anything and everything, regardless of our needs or the ecological quality of the product."


#gorz #PoliticalEcology #work #capitalism

Last updated 1 year ago

Pauline von Hellermann · @pvonhellermannn
2602 followers · 8907 posts · Server mastodon.green

@Unknowable great you are discussing here in ! Should do this muxh more often 😊

I completely agree that you need and together. But in fact, the kinds of historical dimensions you discuss here are part of Pol Ec itself - all abkut capitalism/colonialism. His ec is more about longer term human-nature relations and their shaping of forests or landscapes. I love both and especially the combination

#PoliticalEcology #ClimateDiary #historicalecology

Last updated 1 year ago

Introduction Post:
My name is Christy and use they/them pronouns (/#agender). I live in rural so-called in the of /#Acadie/#NovaScotia. I’m a settler who grew up in the Ottawa Valley and my family are and who come from Quebec. I identify myself with , , , and movements.

I am a candidate in the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa, and I hope to finish writing my thesis this summer (). My studies focus on , , and approaches to and . I am specifically investigating historical patterns of distribution from 2000 to 2017 in through the use of property transfer records mapped using . I am hoping to apply my method in Mikmaki next.

I am also a preserving as many varieties as I can. I have training in , , and approaches to . I help organize with my local chapter of the and am interested in meeting other radical farmers, , , , etc. who are interested in organizing for , systems, and .

Other than all that, I am also fond of , , , , , , , , , and .

#enby #lunenburg #southshore #Mikmaki #frenchcanadian #irish #socialecology #ancom #peasantanarchist #agrariansyndicalist #phd #phdlife #neomarxist #Anarchist #decolonial #agrarianpoliticaleconomy #PoliticalEcology #farmland #easternontario #qgis #garlic #farmer #agroecology #organic #permaculture #horticulture #nationalfarmersunion #landworkers #homesteaders #neopeasants #foodsovereignty #LocalFood #landback #tabletoproleplay #fantasyliterature #solarpunk #SciFi #bioregionalanimism #baking #wildcrafting #foraging #homebrewing #Fermenting #woodcarving

Last updated 1 year ago

Pauline von Hellermann · @pvonhellermannn
2322 followers · 8112 posts · Server mastodon.green

Welcome to all Newbies! To me, the is at the core of of a wider social movement, of ever more of us recognising that other worlds are possible and building these together.

2023 is 50ys since Schumacher’s and this cover sums it all up: the new world is almost born and it’s happening here (paraphrasing ) 😊

I try to contribute through environmental and any other way I can think of

#fediverse #commoning #smallisbeautiful #gramsci #anthropology #PoliticalEcology #ClimateDiary #twittermigration

Last updated 1 year ago

Scott Matter · @scottmatter
810 followers · 2587 posts · Server aus.social

"My philosophy is ecological in the sense that it is based on the conviction that human beings, in order to realize themselves, must maintain a relationship of interdependence and not of competition with nature and the rest of mankind, and equally that this must be a conscious relationship, because the ecological perspective projected on the natural environment provides fertile analogies for social ordering. It is a humanistic philosophy in that it maintains that humans are self-conscious and carry out their relationships with nature and with other human beings through culture. It also states that ecological balance cannot be left to automatism, but must be subject to human knowledge, judgement and will, in terms of conscious political action. Finally, it is anarchistic, not in the vulgar sense, but in as much as it is based on the conviction that every form of concentration of power (and all the present systems lead to this) alienates people from their environment-both natural and human-and limits or annuls their direct participation and sense of responsibility, restricting their imagination, information, communication, critical capacity and creativity. These last conditions I consider essential for the realization of the two preceding conditions: that is, an ecological conscience supported by humanistic behaviour."
- Manfred Max-Neef, 1982/92, From the Outside Looking In

#anarchism #ecology #humanism #humanscaledevelopment #PoliticalEcology

Last updated 1 year ago

sanjay sharma · @sanjay_digital
21 followers · 72 posts · Server kolektiva.social

RT @DrSyedMustafaA1@twitter.com

Looking forward to delivering my presentation exploring entanglements of , , and at the Critical Ecology of workshop in this conference. twitter.com/retnolaras/status/

🐦🔗: twitter.com/DrSyedMustafaA1/st

#politicaleconomy #PoliticalEcology #politicaltheology #ai

Last updated 1 year ago

I returned from in and today.

I have a ton to share. It was truly the trip of a lifetime, and I'm still processing everything. I'll always remember this trip. I'll likely be telling my grandchildren about it someday. But for this post, I'll talk a little about the of the place.

is in a difficult location for a city: the second-highest national capital in the world after Kathmandu, Nepal, and surrounded on both sides by volcanoes in the Avenida de los Volcanes. Compounded with extreme poverty and political instability, quiteños are constantly at risk. But I still saw almost no homelessness, and I even saw people dancing, playing, and making music and art in the streets. Usually together, almost always for others. Don't ever tell me that people are inherently selfish again. And, unlike American cities which flatten and mow down the existing geological and ecological space for new development, Quito was the most vegetated city I've ever seen (even deep in the core of the city), and is built around and amongst natural features of the Andean cloud forest landscape.

The Galápagos is a remote volcanic archipelago, a special region of Ecuador but 1000 km away from the nearest land, with almost no fresh water, and had no permanent human population until a few centuries ago. In order to preserve the unique ecosystems of the Galápagos, highly restrictive measures must be taken. Not many people get to go, so I made a conscious effort to keep in mind the people who don't have the same incredible that I had. Fishing and agriculture are highly regulated, hunting is forbidden, you can't move there unless you marry someone who lives there, cats and dogs must be sterilized (and if there's one thing that stuck out to me right away, it's how much Ecuadorians love their pets). But by and large, galapagueños take those measures. The small cities of the Galápagos rely on non-destructive relationships with the local ecology in order to continue their existence, and do so proudly while providing very safe, relatively comfortable (though far from easy or wealthy) lives for the people. Because the wild animals of the Galápagos is not used to humans being dangerous, they tend to let you approach very closely (although 6 feet is the minimum legal distance for most animals). I don't ever want to hear that humans are inherently destructive to nature again. Nor do I ever want to hear that the much smaller changes we must make to our own economy and society to have reciprocity with the ecosystem are too hard.

If I'd been born in Quito or the Galápagos, my life would have been very different. But it would have still been a valuable life, rich with experiences. There are countless possible lives I might have had, although I'm grateful for this one. Thousands of real people are currently living such lives. They seemed to me like mostly regular--but authentic and interesting--people with very different and from my own. I wish them all the best.

Now, I'd like to share a one of my favorite photos from the Galápagos. It's a land iguana from the small, uninhabited island of Seymour Norte, off the northern coast of Santa Cruz. For an unknown reason, these iguanas would sell their souls for a yellow flower, or really anything yellow. Sometimes they'll follow you around if you wear a yellow shirt (although I tried it and they seemed too tired). I suspect it has something to do with the fact that the land iguanas themselves are bright yellow.

#studyabroad #ecuador #galapagos #PoliticalEcology #quito #privilege #UpstateNY #perspectives #experiences

Last updated 1 year ago

Pauline von Hellermann · @pvonhellermannn
2164 followers · 6455 posts · Server mastodon.green

@Ruth_Mottram @Goneri thank you both so much. Muxh needed reminder (for me) to actually read the reports. This is such a succinct and useful summary of a lot of social science and more specifically - so good this work has made it into the IPCC. Now i guess the next step is for it to make it “out” again - ie these insights to become common, shared knowledge and thinking in policy and public. Which you are doing by sharing it here!

#ipcc #PoliticalEcology

Last updated 1 year ago

Chris · @muir
142 followers · 781 posts · Server todon.eu

New readings from Uneven Earth on the crisis of work, a post-car future, and why climate fiction won’t save us.


#degrowth #PoliticalEcology #environmentaljustice #municipalism

Last updated 1 year ago

@envplane · @envplane
117 followers · 26 posts · Server sciences.social

OnlineFirst - "Social representations on the environment and socio-metabolic regimes: The case of the Spanish state" by Marina Requena-i-Mora:


#degrowth #PoliticalEcology #socialmetabolism #socialrepresentations

Last updated 2 years ago