(29 Aug) - Democrats walk out of House session after Rep. Jones silenced; Gallery cleared https://www.wjhl.com/news/democrats-walk-out-of-house-session-after-rep-jones-silenced-gallery-cleared/ #DemocratsWalkout #HouseSession #RepJonesSilenced #GalleryCleared #PoliticalProtest #FreedomOfSpeech #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110972577544768127
#news #politics #freedomofspeech #PoliticalProtest #gallerycleared #repjonessilenced #housesession #democratswalkout
From Russia; We demand freedom for Azat Miftakhov #FreeAzat #politicalprisoner #PoliticalProtest https://reddebreksbowl.blogspot.com/2023/08/from-russia-we-demand-freedom-for-azat.html?m=0
#freeazat #politicalprisoner #PoliticalProtest
From 07 Aug: - Mitch McConnell Mercilessly Heckled During Speech With Chants of ‘Retire!’ https://www.thedailybeast.com/mitch-mcconnell-mercilessly-heckled-during-speech-with-chants-of-retire #MitchMcConnellRetire #MitchMcConnellHeckled #RetireMitchMcConnell #SpeechHeckling #PoliticalProtest #PoliticalSpeech #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110846355774822190
#news #politics #politicalspeech #PoliticalProtest #speechheckling #retiremitchmcconnell #mitchmcconnellheckled #mitchmcconnellretire
In a week’s time on Wed 1st Feb, many (perhaps the vast majority of) UK schools will be closed due to #Teachers going on #Strike . The Tory line is that this will unfairly inconvenience parents and employers, while harming children’s education.
In #Norwich on this day there will be a big rally of the trade unions through the city centre. How many parents will take the opportunity to educate their children about the value of #TradeUnions and #PoliticalProtest on this day?
#PoliticalProtest #Tradeunions #norwich #strike #teachers
People who only think of art as money don’t understand that artists like Frederick McCubbin & Arthur Streeton painted the Australian bush because they loved it. Their sympathy was with conservationists, not the destroyers #AustralianArt #PoliticalProtest
#australianart #PoliticalProtest
Is There Any Point to Protesting?
... In “Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work” (Verso), a book published in 2015, then updated and reissued this past year for reasons likely to be clear to anyone who has opened a newspaper, Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams question the power of marches, protests, and other acts of what they call “folk politics.” These methods, they say, are more habit than solution. Protest is too fleeting. It ignores the structural nature of problems in a modern world. “The folk-political injunction is to reduce complexity down to a human scale,” they write. This impulse promotes authenticity-mongering, reasoning through individual stories (also a journalistic tic), and a general inability to think systemically about change. In the immediate sense, a movement such as Occupy wilted because police in riot gear chased protesters out of their spaces. But, really, the authors insist, its methods sank it from the start by channelling the righteous sentiments of those involved over the mechanisms of real progress....
#NickSrnicek #AlexWilliams #InventingTheFuture #PostCapitalism #PoliticalProtest #PoliticalChange
#NickSrnicek #AlexWilliams #InventingTheFuture #postcapitalism #PoliticalProtest #PoliticalChange