The #deathcafe returns on Tuesday at #Pollokshaws G431LH from 12-1pm with freshly prepared hot soup available from 1145 for free. What questions might you ask at a DeathCafe? Hurlet Crematorium #death
If we can't talk about death at #easter when can you?
#easter #death #Pollokshaws #deathcafe
This Tuesday between 12-1pm we hold our monthly #death #Café
"There are only two days with less than 24 hours in each lifetime, sitting like bookends astride our lives : one is celebrated every year, yet it is the other that makes us see living as previous." Kathryn Mannix
#Pollokshaws G431LH
What a cathartic session of 'splash the paint'! Sometimes we just need time to be imaginative. We also had hot Butternut Squash soup to fill us. #warmspaces
Next Tues 1145-1:30 how do we get good sleep with the practitioners who help us to grow in understanding. #Pollokshaws G431LH
After #covid with prices rising, after such a prolonged period, our #anxiety levels may increase. So what can do we to tackle anxiety?
The #glasgow MH Southside team will be with us this Tuesday 17th Jan betwn 1230-1:30pm to facilitate a conversation to help us. Hot Soup & a cuppa available from 1145.
#Pollokshaws #Methodist Church G431LH
#Methodist #Pollokshaws #glasgow #anxiety #covid
What happens when we die? #KathrynMannix #TedNewcastle So much has changed since a century ago. In that time antibiotics have advanced so much. We have lost ownership of the process of #death, as we have allowed the medical profession to take care of it for us. Do we want this to change? #deathcafe #Pollokshaws
#Pollokshaws #deathcafe #death #tednewcastle #kathrynmannix
#Pollokshaws #warmspaces throughout the week. Please boost
Monday Pollokshaws Hub 12-1pm Eastwood Church 12-2pm
Tuesday #Methodist 1130-1:30pm
Wed Parish church 10-12
Thurs Auldhouse Community Church 1130-2pm
Friday Greenview 10-12
Saturday Greenview 5-7pm
Mon-Sat Library
#Methodist #warmspaces #Pollokshaws
What might it be like at a #deathcafe?
#Pollokshaws #death #glasgow
#glasgow #death #Pollokshaws #deathcafe
What to expect at the Death Café
The skeleton is listening!
If you are expecting a foreboding venue with spiders webs, open coffins and a bit of dampness thrown in, sorry to disappoint. How about a place where we are all welcomed as one whose opinion is worthwhile? We all have to go through this process: with our family, with friends,
#DeathCafé #Lectionary #daisies #Death #Deathcafe #dying #Glasgow #Pollokshaws
#Pollokshaws #glasgow #dying #death #daisies #lectionary #deathcafe
#Pollokshaws Tuesday 10th January 12-1pm what question would you like to ask?
All are welcome #deathcafe #Death
#death #deathcafe #Pollokshaws
Great that the two congregations from the #Pollokshaws Methodist and CoS churches could join together to celebrate #Christmas. There we gave people the opportunity to share a gift with those who may be alone.
We restart on Tuesday 10th January #deathcafe #wellbeing #Pollokshaws #soup #warmspaces
#warmspaces #soup #Pollokshaws #wellbeing #deathcafe
Thank you to Age Scotland for their generous donation of gifts which we can distribute in #Pollokshaws #Glasgow
Our #warmwelcome continues with hot soup and a cuppa every Tuesday 1130-1:30pm plus myriad of activities #Pollokshaws #Glasgow #MentalHealth #DeathCafe #Games #Crafts #PayAsYouFeel
#payasyoufeel #crafts #games #deathcafe #mentalhealth #glasgow #Pollokshaws #warmwelcome
Another successful #deathcafe at #Pollokshaws today. Martin from and David from @HurletCremation facilitated the conversations - very grateful to them #Death #OrderGoodDeath
#OrderGoodDeath #death #Pollokshaws #deathcafe