A worker #Cooperative is hiring a drupal developer!
#PolycotAssociates is seeking a #Drupal developer for freelance work with track to coop membership
If you've been trying to find work in the #SolidarityEconomy, here's an opportunity! #Cooperatives aren't the be all/end all for #MutualAid and #MutualBenefit, but they're a powerful force for redistributing wealth.
- Post: https://polycotassociates.com/polycot-associates-seeks-freelance-drupal-senior-developer.
- Video about Position: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XngR9ALfklw
- Video about Polycot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVLQN0rBZ9g
#mutualbenefit #mutualaid #cooperatives #solidarityeconomy #drupal #PolycotAssociates #cooperative