I have a strong urge to start learning Finnish Sign Language, but I'm going to be good and stick with Russian. I just recently got back to it, and with some discipline I think I could make good progress.
Hello people interested in #PolyglotCityStudies , just wanted to let you know that thanks the suggestion of @joyfuluselessness we now have a little group that you can follow, @polyglotcitystudies . Please follow it! Any time you tag it in a post, all followers will see it in their timeline. I think we'll use it from now on to do the weekly thread.
@david for Korean been binge watching vtubers and head scratching when receiving bubbles from kpop idols and participating in language exchange with a friend on a daily basis
I kind of gave up on German but been watching the German version of a lot of arte documentaries
For French been debating and pitch writing a lot in class. Improvisation class in French on hold for the moment
@david I haven't been able to attend to language learning in a while, so my goals are pretty minimal at the moment. I just want to get back to learning Russian -- to review what I've already studied, get back to that baseline, and start studying regularly again.
And I might also try to work out how to set up a Shavian keyboard on my linux computer and lineageOS phone. :)
Hello polyglot.city! I want to start up something we were doing up until recently. The idea is to start up a thread for people to discuss their language learning goals for the week.
It can be anything: personal goals, successes from last week, failures, random language learning thoughts, whatever you want to share.
Of course you don't need to be on polyglot.city to participate! Just reply to this post (or a reply to the post).
@david i'm focusing on mandarin right now and this week i'll probably get through beginner-level short stories on lingq. i'm not sure yet what i'm going to do afterwards
Hello polyglot.city, happy Monday! I have been a bit negligent of late setting up a weekly study post, sorry about that! Let`s start one this week.
Feel free to reply to this post with any language studying successes or setbacks you've had recently. Anything interesting planned for this week?
@nolittlefinger Thanks so much! I've been really busy / on vacation the last two weeks.
Not too much studying on my side, but I have been reading 上下五千年 still, about a quarter of the way done!
It’s been a while since the last time @david polled the language learning in polyglot.city instance.
I decided to take it over randomly.
My recent updates: promised to improve my German vocabulary during vacation, but failed, because I cannot resist the good beers in Prague. Got drunk everyday. This week I got back on track again. spent about 7 hours on German learning. Next week I will try to put more time, and write an essay.
What about you?
For me, I was busy last week but I managed to keep reading 上下五千年. 秦 is starting to gain strength and threaten the other states. Maybe by next week I will get to 秦始皇!
Otherwise I also started reading 丧家狗, a book about The Analects 论语. It is is a really good read so far.
I need to practice speaking more 🤔
@david partially kept my promise: spent about 7-8 hours on German learning this week, wrote 2 essays. Indeed expanded my vocabulary, though limited. Started to build my own German dictionary for writing, so that I can reinforce my memory on specific words or short sentences.
In general not bad, maybe because I’m having my vacation so I have a very good mood, I would like to stay in vacation forever :blobcatheart: #PolyglotCityStudies
@david la semana pasada me dediqué 6 horas en aprender el alemán. Escribí un ensayo.
Esta semana planteo expander mi vocabulario, escribir tres ensayos.
En los últimos días, no me parece mejor mi alemán, estoy perdiendo mi español. Me tendría que buscar una salida a este problema.
我这个星期没干什么,没有学德语也没有学韩语。A2的诅咒使我分心。没有语言环境我就是很三天打鱼 两天晒网。
读书的话尝试着在读一本德语儿童书:Der Bär, der ein Bär bleiben wollte,作家为Jörg Steiner
Ok! I have been busy this week so I didn't get too much done. I am at the 战国 Warring States in 上下五千年, which is very entertaining. I've actually learned a fair amount of interesting stories.
Not to much speaking again unfortunately, I need to get better about that.
I am busy again this week so no hard goals really, just hope to read and listen to the radio.
Hey everyone, let's do another weekly study thread! Forgot to do this yesterday 😅
Feel free to post below with any kind of language study experiences you've been having: goals, sucesses, setbacks, random thoughts, anything is good!
Please use the tag #PolyglotCityStudies too! It makes it easier for people not on polygloy.city to follow along.
@david @eunice@rage.love actually I have a idea for the tag, #PolyglotCityStudies is a good one, it can be a general tag for us.
In addition, we can actually use some more tags with different languages, something like #KoreanStudies #FrenchStudies #GermanStudies as sub-tags, so that people who learn different languages can engage/help each other.
#PolyglotCityStudies #KoreanStudies #FrenchStudies #GermanStudies