I am fascinated by the recent evidence showing that Polyplody may grant evolutionary advantages in the presence of drastic fitness changes (e.g. cataclysms):
One option is that extra chromosomes may increase connectivity of gene regulatory networks--- fascinating work from van de Peer on that note: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.28.538696, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0220257.
The results are similar to ours a long time ago with RNA Editing , where we experimented with drastic fitness changes (simulated cataclysms) and emergence of memory: https://doi.org/10.1162/evco.2007.15.3.253, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-74913-4_7.
RNA Editing, we started arguing long ago, also adds additional regulatory variety and proves advantageous in drastic fitness changes---though RNA editing works by adding more variants, not greater number of regulatory possibilities (network connectivity) as it is hypothesized for polyploidy. Maybe this explains why the latter is maladaptive in stable fitness landscapes, whereas RNA Editing often isn't?
#Evolution #EvolutionarySystems #Polyploidy #Fitness #GenomeComplexity #Gemome
#evolution #evolutionarysystems #Polyploidy #fitness #GenomeComplexity #Gemome
The idea that polyploids occupy harsher environments than diploids was proposed nearly century ago, and is now widely accepted. However, the data supporting this idea is very limited, and there are many examples of studies showing contrasting results.
We developed a dataset of 123 polyploids with known diploid progenitors, and show that there is no support for the hypothesis that the polyploids have larger or more extreme ranges than the diploids.
#Polyploidy certainly has a strong impact on #evolution, but it's clearly complex and context dependent. Not something so general and straightforward as 'polyploids tolerate broader conditions, and so have bigger ranges'.
What do we have here?
The plant ploidy database.
by Keren Halabi, Anat Shafir and Itay Mayrose (Dept. of Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants at Tel Aviv Uni; https://www.tau.ac.il/~itaymay/).
fresh in New Phytologist
#polyploidy #plants #genomics
Our latest paper on polyploid population genetics is now out at Genetics! Led by Paul Blischak with Ryan Gutenkunst and Mathews Sajan we develop models in dadi to infer the demographic history of polyploid species. Check it out here: https://academic.oup.com/genetics/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/genetics/iyad107/7190362?redirectedFrom=fulltext
RT @Exp_EvoEco
#Postdoc position: Dr. Tia-Lynn Ashman and I (U. of Pittsburgh) are recruiting a postdoc to study the consequences of plant #polyploidy on biotic interactions in a model plant system. We will review applicants soon until position is filled.
Apply here: https://cfopitt.taleo.net/careersection/pitt_faculty_external_pd/jobdetail.ftl?job=23002718
Interested in genome size, #polyploidy research of plants?
Listen & see the insightful presentation of the brilliant #sDiv synthesis postdoc @Sreetama_Bhadra 👇
RT @Sreetama_Bhadra
I was delighted to present my work yesterday in the #polyploidy #webinar organized by @BarkerLab .. it’s up in #youtube for anyone who wants to know the relation between #genomesize #trait #diversification specially in @Palms
@idiv @IPS_PalmSociety
#Polyploidy #sdiv #Webinar #youtube #genomesize #trait #diversification
🎉 Welcome to Polyploidy Week at @AnnBot
Over the coming days we’ll be sharing with you all the articles published in our recently released ‘Polyploidy in Ecology and Evolution Special Issue’ (1/3)
#aobpolyploidyweek #Polyploidy
The recording of today's #PolyploidWebinar featuring Elise Parey and @benjaminblonder is now up on youtube!
#AJB & #AppsPlantSci are accepting proposals for joint special issues, “Twice as Nice: New techniques and discoveries in #polyploid biology”! https://bit.ly/3NziNQf
#Polyploidy #Botany #Evolution #Ecology #Genomics #Bioinformatics
#AJB #AppsPlantSci #polyploid #Polyploidy #botany #Evolution #ecology #Genomics #bioinformatics
The next #PolyploidWebinar is on Wednesday, February 1, at 11 AM PST. This month's webinar features Elise Parey talking about her work on rediploidization in fishes and @benjaminblonder discussing triploid aspens! Zoom links will go out later today - more details here to sign up if you are not already! https://www.barkerlab.net/polyweb
#PolyploidWebinar #Polyploidy #diploidization
Excited for my first in-person conference in 3 yrs at #pag30! No talk for me, but I am SO excited to have helped organize the #Polyploidy workshop, with topics ranging from machine learning to pangenomes, meiosis to ecological distributions, & from both plant and animal systems!
The recording of today's #PolyploidWebinar featuring David Wickell and Adam Session is now up on youtube! Check it out!
#Polyploidy #Genomes #Genomics #Evolution #WGD #Diploidization #Fractionation #Kmers
#PolyploidWebinar #Polyploidy #genomes #Genomics #Evolution #wgd #diploidization #fractionation #kmers
The next #PolyploidWebinar is on Wednesday, January 11 at 11 AM PST! We will feature talks on polyploid genomes from David Wickell and Adam Sessions. If you are not already signed up, you can sign up at the link here: https://www.barkerlab.net/polyweb
#PolyploidWebinar #ferns #WGD #Polyploidy #KMers #Evolution #Genomics
#PolyploidWebinar #ferns #wgd #Polyploidy #kmers #Evolution #Genomics
The recording of this week's #PolyploidWebinar featuring Brian Husband and Hannes Becher is now up on youtube! Check it out here! #Polyploidy #kmers #genomics #phenotype #evolution
#PolyploidWebinar #Polyploidy #kmers #Genomics #phenotype #Evolution
The next #PolyploidWebinar will be next Wednesday, December 7, at 11 AM Pacific Time. Join us for two great talks from Brian Husband and Hannes Becher! If you are not signed up already, you can sign up here to join us: https://www.barkerlab.net/polyweb
#PolyploidWebinar #Polyploidy #k #wgd #Genomics #genomesize #adaptation
Just now seeing this: complementary to our paper from earlier this year in #NatureCommunications, a second Buxus genome helps clarify ancient #polyploidy events among #eudicots https://bmcbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12915-022-01420-1
#NatureCommunications #Polyploidy #eudicots
@marcrr @MikeBarker I wish I believed the general #polyploidy-diversification story line, but there are, e.g., “hyperdiverse” angiosperm lineages (like Rubiaceae) without events in/near their stem lineages… there’s more to the story. Of course, some Rubiaceae from extreme environments are neopolyploids 🤣
Excellent new paper from Kyle David finding evidence for a latitudinal gradient of polyploidy in animals. This is similar to what has been observed in plants for many years! Really wonderful! Also good to see our recently published Animal Chromosome Count Database used for the analyses!
#Polyploidy #Animals #Chromosomes #LatitudinalGradient
#Polyploidy #animals #Chromosomes #latitudinalgradient
I am a #botanist and #evolutionary #ecologist, Assistant Professor and Director of the Herbarium at #CollegeofIdaho. My research with #undergraduate students focuses on the origins and distributions of #biodiversity due to #polyploidy
#botanist #Evolutionary #ecologist #collegeofidaho #undergraduate #biodiversity #Polyploidy
I'm a PhD candidate at the University of South Bohemia Czech Republic. My dissertation topic is
#ConservationGenetics of Galapagos mockingbirds. And then I'll be moving on to #Polyploidy #genomic plant research with Filip Kolář lab at Charles University, Prague. https://botany.natur.cuni.cz/ecolgen/ Deepening my #populationgenetics and #bioinformatics interests.
#bioinformatics #populationgenetics #genomic #Polyploidy #ConservationGenetics #introduction