@RadioMinnesota I was going to ask why you are following me, lol. no need after I see this. I might have introduced myself like the attached photo, but the radio I built was not at all like the one at the #Polytechnio, it was a crystal set with a hand-wound coil. I wish I had a photo of it.
The radio in the photo might be mentioned in this article. https://greekreporter.com/2023/02/16/martis-bracelet-greek-spring-tradition/
#Athen: Bullen stürmen #Polytechnio - Bullenterror in #Exarcheia - Weiterlesen: https://enough-is-enough14.org/2020/11/14/athen-bullen-stuermen-polytechnio-bullenterror-in-exarcheia/ #17Nov #17n20 #17ngr #repression #antireport
#antireport #repression #17ngr #17n20 #17nov #exarcheia #Polytechnio #athen
#Athens: Riot cops entered #Polytechnio - Cop terror in #Exarcheia - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/11/14/athens-riot-cops-entered-polytechnio-cop-terror-in-exarcheia/ #17Nov #17n20 #17ngr #repression #antireport
#antireport #repression #17ngr #17n20 #17nov #exarcheia #Polytechnio #athens
#Athens: Eviction of the #Gini occupation within the #Polytechnio University in #Exarchia - #Squat #NoBorders #RefugeesGR #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/03/17/athens-eviction-of-the-gini-occupation-within-the-polytechnio-university-in-exarchia/
#antireport #refugeesgr #noborders #squat #exarchia #Polytechnio #gini #athens