P.S. We got a few more water lettuces and water hyacinths for the pond and now it looks like a pond where cool people live. The wildlife pond is doing great too.
Hi, y'all, 47 years #organic #garden #farmer, dozens of soil types; #permaculture 44 yrs; #woodlot #ponds #orchard #flowers! #EarthRepair #editor #webwork
I like to boost (and maybe publish) good stories and photos about the evolution of good, green, abundant, and positive outcomes in relocalized food production for personal, family, neighborhood, town, and/or region, as well as the challenges arising from such efforts in the face of growing climate crisis.
#organic #garden #farmer #permaculture #woodlot #Ponds #Orchard #flowers #EarthRepair #editor #webwork
To do, cont. "2. HEALTHY #SOILS: crop rotation, #mulching, non-tilling, mycelia, compost teas, worm farming, animal poop, #biodigesters, reusing sediment in one area for another
3. #EARTHWORKS: swales, weirs/#CheckDams, small #ponds, #terracing, #KeyLine system, rocks, guiding downhill rainfall to seep into ground replenishing, #gabions, zuni waffle garden, water piano."
#soils #mulching #biodigesters #earthworks #Ponds #terracing #keyline #gabions
Iris 'Snowdrift'
This Iris is growing in my mini pond (basically, a small aluminum tub), and the whole root system is completely in water. Bees seem to like it too.
It flowers mid-summer, but it was named 'snowdrift', go figure.
#florespondence #gardening #plants #Ponds