பொன்னியின் செல்வன்-2 ஏப்ரல் 28 ரிலீஸ் … அறிவிப்பு வெளியானது…
#PS2 #CholasAreBack #PS1 #PS2 #PonniyinSelvan #ManiRatnam #AishwaryaRaiBachchan @arrahman@twitter.com @LycaProductions@twitter.com @chiyaan@twitter.com @actor_jayamravi@twitter.com @Karthi_Offl@twitter.com @realsarathkumar@twitter.com @trishtrashers@twitter.com @prakashraaj@twitter.com
#aishwaryaraibachchan #ManiRatnam #PonniyinSelvan #ps1 #cholasareback #ps2
@divya Completely concur with you regarding the music. We don't know what the music was like in the Chola period but we know the types of musical instruments that were played. They did not include a Western drum kit (drums & cymbals)
Here's my thread of six posts focusing on the first song of #PonniyinSelvan, not about the music as such but how the song has been used to advance the story line & not just a "time pass" tack-on
#PonniyinSelvan1 #cinema #tamil #movies #ps1 #PonniyinSelvan
Watched #ponniyinselvan in #chennai Thoughts:
- first of all what a story line! Easily beats game of thrones. I understand why this magazine serial became such best sellers
- A R Rahman sadly feels off his game here. Background music feels very anachronistic and in our faces. It should have been more subtle IMHO
- CGI could have been better but loved seeing at least a first perspective on how palaces could have looked like!
[ Story based on #art #history #culture]
Read my reported-story for
the Hidden Compass
on the genesis, and making of India's [Swamimalai] Chola bronzes, and the brilliant work being done by a team of online sleuths, in bringing back our gods home.
#Art #history #culture #chola #PonniyinSelvan #ps1
@AnirbanM I have a thread of six posts focusing on the first song of Ponniyin Selvan
I also prepared a four page intro for my friends who hadn't read the novel, because as you rightly pointed out, there are a multitude of characters with their own agendas & knowing the background & details of the Chola royal family does help. Unfortunately Mastodon doesn't allow Word or PDF files to be attached, so can't link it here.
#epic #Kalki #ps1 #mastindia #PonniyinSelvan
#ManiRatnam has broken me. i am seeing “pennsylvania” and my brain is saying “ponniyin selvan”
Thread (6/6)
Credits also roll as the song is played. Again, all in 2 mins, 44 secs. It's not a “time pass” song, tacked on for nothing more than entertainment value. It advances the story line
It’s this tight screenplay that has allowed so much material to be shown in so little time. While #PonniyinSelvan could have been spread across three films like ‘The Lord of the Rings,’ its film makers must have had their constraints & did what they could with what they had
#mastindia #storytelling #PonniyinSelvan
Thread (3/6)
The Chola Empire is flourishing. Stunning views of the Kaveri (Ponni) river which ushers fertility (green fields, lush woods). And happy people indicate that the kingdom’s prosperous
Will this way of life continue? Storm clouds are gathering in Thanjai, the Chola capital, there is palace intrigue...a “game of thrones” which we will witness. What we see in the song will contrast with what we see later
#PonniyinSelvan #MastIndia #movies #cinema #fiction #storytelling
#mastindia #storytelling #fiction #cinema #movies #PonniyinSelvan
#PonniyinSelvan thread (1/6)
Book to screen adaptations are strange beasts. You won’t see the exact book. If the film captures the book’s essence/author’s intent, hats off. Mani Ratnam’s adaptation of Kalki’s Ponniyan Selvan has done this
The story is ~2500 pages, 5 vols. The 2 movies based on it are ~6 hrs. Most of the book has to be slashed while keeping the story line intact. Use of time is paramount. This thread focuses on the latter
@typingvanara @calamur @nilanjana #mastindia
கொழும்பு திரையரங்கில் குடும்பத்துடன் ‘பொன்னியின் செல்வன்’ திரைப்படம் பார்த்த மகிந்த ராஜபக்சே https://patrikai.com/mahinda-rajapakse-watched-maniratnams-ponniyin-selvan-in-colombo/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#PS1 #PonniyinSelvan1 #Ponniyinselvan #MahindaRajapakse #Rajapakse #colombo @KSRadhakrish@twitter.com @LycaProductions@twitter.com
#Colombo #Rajapakse #MahindaRajapakse #PonniyinSelvan #PonniyinSelvan1 #ps1
பொன்னியின் செல்வன் 450 கோடி ரூபாய் வசூல்… அதிகாரபூர்வ அறிவிப்பை வெளியிட்டது லைகா https://patrikai.com/ponniyin-selvan-official-box-office-collection-rs-450-crore/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#Ponniyinselvan1 #Ponniyinselvan #PS1 #boxofficereport #ManiRatnam @arrahman@twitter.com @MadrasTalkies_@twitter.com @LycaProductions@twitter.com @tipsofficial@twitter.com @tipsmusicsouth@twitter.com
#ManiRatnam #boxofficereport #ps1 #PonniyinSelvan #PonniyinSelvan1
ராஜராஜன் படத்தை எடுக்கக்கூடாது: சீமானை எச்சரிக்கும் கனல் கண்ணன் https://youtu.be/R-LwB1PRLHc via @YouTube@twitter.com
#RajaRajan #PonniyinSelvan #Seeman #Kanalkannan @NaamTamilarOrg@twitter.com @SeemanOfficial@twitter.com @kannan_kanal@twitter.com
#KanalKannan #Seeman #PonniyinSelvan #RajaRajan
J'ai vu hier #PonniyinSelvan, le blockbuster tamoul et ça tient ses promesses. Couleurs, musique, action, amour, intrigues et tragédies. La scène finale est vraiment époustouflante.
Conseil 1 : ne vous mettez pas trop près de l'écran, le film est très agité, on en prend plein la figure.
Conseil 2 : imprimez l'infographie et gardez-la sous la main si vous voulez vous souvenir de qui est qui https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/33/Ponniyin_Selvan_Family_Tree_English.jpg
La bande-annonce (no spoiler) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsH2LA8pCjo
ரூ. 250 கோடியை கடந்தது… கடல் கடந்து வசூலில் சாதனை படைத்துவரும் ‘பொன்னியின் செல்வன்’… https://patrikai.com/ponniyin-selvan-setting-record-box-office-collection-crossed-rs-250-crore/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#PS1 #PonniyinSelvan #PonniyinSelvan1 #BoxOfficeCollection #boxofficereport #collection #ManiRatnam @MadrasTalkies_@twitter.com @LycaProductions@twitter.com @arrahman@twitter.com
#ManiRatnam #collection #boxofficereport #boxofficecollection #PonniyinSelvan1 #PonniyinSelvan #ps1
#PS1Tamil : தமிழகத்தில் 5 நாளில் ₨100 கோடி வசூல் 'பொன்னியின் செல்வன் - 1' திரைப்படம்.
#PonniyinSelvan #boxoffice #PonniyinSelvan1 #PS1Tamil
இங்கிலாந்தில் வசூல் சாதனை படைத்த #பொன்னியின்செல்வன் … https://patrikai.com/ponniyin-selvan-1-is-all-time-highest-grossing-tamil-film-in-uk/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#BoxOfficeCollection #collection #PS1 #PonniyinSelvan #UK @MadrasTalkies_@twitter.com @LycaProductions@twitter.com @chiyaan@twitter.com @Karthi_Offl@twitter.com @trishtrashers@twitter.com @actor_jayamravi@twitter.com @sekartweets@twitter.com
#uk #PonniyinSelvan #ps1 #collection #boxofficecollection #பொன்னியின்செல்வன்
If you saw #PonniyinSelvan already, did you notice how the jewellery worn by ladies especially Aishwarya is north Indian? Also, Thanjavur is a flat surface while in the movie the Thanjavur fort is shown on top of a hill!
Small inconsistencies really but still...