@RL_Dane @SolusSpider I really like where Pop is going. The one thing that I find bothersome is that it rides Ubuntu. I would love to see Pop go directly on #Debian.
I know, #PopOs is awesome and smooth but for some reason Ubuntu really irks me - snaps? Unity? Loss of focus? yes, they’ve done a lot to popularize Linux but…
Why can distros get us so emotional? 🤪
Random thought: can’t wait for #PopOs to update Thunderbird 102 to #Thunderbird115
Ok, another day another #migration.
I am a big fan of #vivaldi but my online heart is with #floss and had to go to a floss related instance after leaving fosstodon.
Thank you #Vivaldi for hosting me for a few.
Me? A big fan of the following - in no particular order: #RightToRepair #privacyMatters #linux #mojeek #postmarketOS #sxmo #fountainPens #EFF #PopOS #System76 #buddiesofbudgie #solus #fantasy #sciFi #Dune #Tolkien #vpnsecurity #Portmaster #yubico and I am sure I am missing a few.
#migration #Vivaldi #FLOSS #RightToRepair #privacyMatters #Linux #mojeek #postmarketOS #sxmo #fountainPens #EFF #PopOS #System76 #buddiesofbudgie #solus #fantasy #sciFi #Dune #Tolkien #vpnsecurity #Portmaster #yubico
Oh! One thing I do like about #PopOs is it has Spotlight functionality built in and very nicely so.
Well, after an evening of playing around with #popos, two gripes remain:
1) window dragging is slow. Seems like the window "sticks" to the desktop first before you can move it around. I move my windows a lot so that's an issue ;)
2) literally no way to customize the top bar. That's annoying as hell.
I think I will swirl back to Zorin when my new SSD arrives tomorrow for "definitive" install.
Ich liebe meinen #gnome Desktop, aber ich werde wohl zu #KDE wechseln müssen, da der #nextcloud #client aktuell in #PopOS keinerlei #interface anzeigt. Würde gerne ein weiteres Konto hinzufügen, aber scheint etwas defekt zu sein.
Hat schon jemand Erfahrung mit #PopOS und #kde ?
#gnome #kde #nextcloud #client #PopOS #interface
#AudioMo Day 26. A ramble I’m sorry. But because something else wasn’t working it meant my #PopOS install has been updated. #PopOS #Linux https://anchor.fm/ernmander/episodes/Rambling--so-sorry-AudioMo-e2670ie
How To Remove Old Unused Linux Kernels #Linuxkernel #Kernel #Linux #Debian #Ubuntu #RHEL #Fedora #Almalinux #Rockylinux #Linuxmint #Popos #Linuxadmin #Linuxhowto
#linuxkernel #kernel #Linux #Debian #Ubuntu #RHEL #Fedora #AlmaLinux #RockyLinux #LinuxMint #PopOS #linuxadmin #linuxhowto
How To Dual Boot Windows And Pop!_OS #Popos #Windows #Linux #Dualboot #Windows10 #Windows11 #Linuxhowto
#PopOS #Windows #Linux #dualboot #Windows10 #Windows11 #linuxhowto
Jeg har nu kørt Pop!_OS på min bærbar som min daily driver i stedet for Windows de sidste 1-2 måneder, og det var været en af de bedste beslutninger jeg har taget i lang tid!
#linux #PopOS #privatliv #dkmastodon
Less than three weeks to go until the #LinuxAppSummit, where I will be joining Merlijn Sebrechts on stage to talk about the Sommelier project that helps you package your #windows applications for the #SnapStore #softwaredelivery and #appstore system (operated by Canonical) for #linux #operatingsystems including #ubuntu, #debian (@debian), #popos (@system76), #raspbian (for the @RaspberryPi)#archlinux, and #Fedora (@fedora) among many more.
#linuxappsummit #windows #snapstore #softwaredelivery #appstore #linux #operatingsystems #ubuntu #debian #PopOS #raspbian #fedora
Finally fixed my #PopOS install over the weekend. Setup #UseBottles and used the built in to install Battlenet and #WorldOfWarcraft and #Curseforge. Was a little impressed to find out Curseforge has a Linux client. It's limited to WoW and doesn't find the install on scan but once setup manually works like a charm.
#PopOS #usebottles #worldofwarcraft #curseforge