Something worth learning from . Entities that are too popular pose a danger.

Look at people that you are thinking of interacting with if they have more than 3000 followers and only been on fedi since then it is *very* likely they are using or have used to game the , for followers.

This was abuse on . Since its come to .

Limit interactions with them especially if they post images a lot.

#china #nov2022 #botFarms #exploretimeline #PopularityModel #bigsocialmedia #nov22 #fediverse #SmallWeb

Last updated 1 year ago

Does anyone else think the "Explore" timeline on 's implementation goes against what made fediverse so great to begin with?

If not, why?

#mastodon #PopularityModel #exploretab

Last updated 2 years ago

People don't, largely the purpose of attention is to them, to engineer a perception that theyre interesting and have broad impacts. If people think they're popular, they have power.

We don't believe they're popular, just backed/elevated by moneyPrinters. We ignore 'news' featuring them. If more did we'd be better off.

Step 1) don't use their name. Eg. We say Memecoiner/TwitterBuyer etc. Some say MuskRat, which is hilarious.

#theMedia #Elevate #PopularityModel

Last updated 2 years ago

We apologise for boosting a turdsite RT. And someone who appears to be abusing the new as adopted by MastodonDevs.

Reminder: Please don't come on fedi to advertise your , people.

#PopularityModel #TurdSite

Last updated 2 years ago

Mastodon now betrays ideals by defaulting to an "" timeline that features popular (read: possibly gamed) toots.

Expect an influx of personas gaming the , eg. corporates setup say 500 accounts in a that post things friendly to their interests, using the other 499 accounts on rotation to Boost and Like the toot so it seems popular.

We saw this coming when started showing Like totals without opening the toot.

We suggest to asap!

#fediverse #explore #PopularityModel #botfarm #mastodon #forkmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago


Hi Joel,

We think this quote by you was most salient, validating suspicions expressed on Fedi almost a year ago that is being coopted to serve the and with access to :

> the "spirit of mastodon" is also to not show boosts and favorites until a toot is fully opened to discourage mob mentality and such, and yet the official app has those... It looks like a Twitter client

It ought to be fixed, asap.

@josias @joel

#mastodon #PopularityModel #influencers #botFarms #perverseIncentives

Last updated 3 years ago

This is why , pushing the display of the numbers was not only predicted by us last year, but we actively warned people about it.

Showing numbers *is* a (#)darkPattern. Wastes resources and creates (#)perverseIncentives. We are not going to hashtag because we just did a few days ago.

#mastodonapp #PopularityModel #suggestion #massPsychogenicIllness

Last updated 3 years ago

We've seen a lot of "let's appease users by just X", lately.

We see it as a sign of success and corruption at the same time.

We sense a dangerous time for is approaching. They will try to introduce the gameable "" into the code so abused by and we will need to fight this 'tooth and claw'.

Be prepared to and/or resist forks, .

Our (#)FediFlyer svg file allows anyone to produce a . Let's get eyeballs on code NOW!

Print em!

#fakebook #fedi #PopularityModel #inflencers #Fedifolk #FediBugBounty

Last updated 4 years ago