That Awkward Moment When... You Realize the Nerdy Computer Guy is Actually Trying to Kill You to Kill You
#antivax #billgates#depopulation #governmentflu #killbill #massgenocide #nerdycomputerguy #nurembergcode #nwo #populationcontrol
#antivax #billgates #governmentflu #killbill #massgenocide #nerdycomputerguy #nurembergcode #nwo #PopulationControl
The #8billionpeople milestone was announced on 15 November. It has re-opened the old debate on #populationcontrol versus #consumption by the rich and global #inequality - a new paper by William Rees, the father of the #ecofootprint, for, goes beyond the taboos 1/3
#ecofootprint #inequality #consumption #PopulationControl #8billionpeople