@koalakollektiv @PaulaToThePeople @noam @Defectivetrxgedy
All governments need to do is provide the service and inform people why they have, and people use it.
People are smart enough to know when to use these services and when not to. In some countries without television where dramas like #BoldAndTheBeautiful cannot be seen, entities like #PopulationMediaCenter have been known to produce #radioDramas, using local talent, of course.
Wasted food today is not actually as wasted as expected.
#BoldAndTheBeautiful #PopulationMediaCenter #radioDramas
In past centuries the church performed the function of #fertility booster. Today's more complex society requires more complex #indoctrination methods. Hollywood and #corporateMedia serve this end. Look how they glamorise #megacities, war, #vices (especially #smoking) and open-borders. Oh and the character will never get an abortion (the alternative to this rule is the #PopulationMediaCenter, #PMC).
Sadly most #socialMedia platforms today, which are #centralised, like...(5/9)
#fertility #indoctrination #corporatemedia #megacities #vices #smoking #PopulationMediaCenter #pmc #socialmedia #centralised