World ‘population bomb’ may never go off as feared, finds study
'The study, commissioned by the Club of Rome, projects that on current trends the world population will reach a high of 8.8 billion before the middle of the century, then decline rapidly. The peak could come earlier still if governments take progressive steps to raise average incomes and education levels'
#populationbomb #sustainability #populationresearch #populationstudies
#PopulationStudies #populationresearch #sustainability #populationbomb
📣 New #OpenAccess paper alert:
"Women’s #fertility and allostatic load in the post-reproductive years: An analysis of the Indonesian Family Life Survey" is out now in #PopulationStudies.
We show pregnancies not ending in live births associated with worse physical health in mid- to later life among women, possibly due to unsafe #abortion; or health issues/stress linked to #miscarriage.
Joint work with T. Leone & F. Witolear.
#indonesia #populationhealth #demography #miscarriage #abortion #PopulationStudies #fertility #openaccess
Do 8 billion people add up to a world overflowing with humans?
The answer is no:
"Many though we are, humans represent just a small fraction of the Earth’s entire biomass."
#sustainability #environmentalism #population #PopulationStudies #environmentalissues
#environmentalissues #PopulationStudies #population #environmentalism #sustainability
Do 8 billion people add up to a world overflowing with humans?
The answer is no:
"Many though we are, humans represent just a small fraction of the Earth’s entire biomass."
#sustainability #environmentalism #population #PopulationStudies #environmentalissues
#environmentalissues #PopulationStudies #population #environmentalism #sustainability
The highly diverse genomes of Asians revealed. Open Access paper on the initial results of the GenomeAsia 100K Project.
#asia #PopulationStudies #science #genetics