RT Andrés Rodríguez-Pose
has taken root in regions undergoing long-term decline.
In the , economic and the growth of interpersonal inequalities fuel support for , but only in places with a clear white majority.

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/rodriguez_pos

#Populism #EU #USA #decline #trump

Last updated 1 year ago

Aram Bartholl · @aramba
875 followers · 184 posts · Server tldr.nettime.org

Ich habe beim rausgehen die Kontrollen noch eine Weile beobachtet (15 min). Natürlich haben nicht alle einen Ausweis dabei. Mutter mit Kinderwagen geht auch ohne Ausweis, wird durchgewunken. Junges Pärchen, er Migrahintergrund ohne Ausweis müssen wieder gehen. (ich habe mit ihnen geredet, sie waren sehr genervt und wussten von nichts). Das ist racial profiling und genau der Geschmack der Berliner CDU.

#sommerbad #humbolthain #Freibad #ausweiskontrolle #wegner #Populism #berlin

Last updated 1 year ago

Eric J · @Eric_J
40 followers · 115 posts · Server mindly.social

Indian ethnonationalists are taking cues from Israel, creating a concept of “hinduphobia” designed to shield right-wing Hindu nationalists & an increasingly authoritarian government from criticism

#politics #israel #india #modi #authoritarianism #Populism

Last updated 1 year ago

Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
494 followers · 1957 posts · Server tldr.nettime.org

: "Many rightwing populist politicians who were dominant in the 2010s have been compared to Berlusconi, the first among them former US president Donald Trump. Like Trump and well before him, Berlusconi insisted on the fact that he was not a career politician but rather a successful “self-made entrepreneur”, who had decided to enter politics to save his country from leftism. Like Trump, Berlusconi owed his success to his extraordinary use of TV, which, in his case, was made easier by the fact that he owned most of the country’s private TV channels. And finally, very much like Trump, Berlusconi took the political scene by storm by ignoring all the norms of institutional courtesy and politeness, preposterously presenting himself as a victim of judges and electoral authorities, while never shying away from the most vulgar and sensationalist tactics to capture public attention – including his famous penchant for sexual jokes.

Berlusconi embodied what Antonio Gramsci described as the Italian people’s “taste for the operatic”, with his rallies and TV interventions featuring moments that would have befitted a variety show. In terms of political content, though, he was simply a neoliberal: his revolution was one of cutting taxes and red tape and deregulating labour. In fact, he is best seen, historically, as the link between neoliberalism and populism."

#italy #berlusconi #Populism #neoliberalism #trump

Last updated 1 year ago

Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
456 followers · 1727 posts · Server tldr.nettime.org

: "In sum, the problem of a just society, and of restoring that vital, delicate balance between capitalism and democracy, will go beyond unrigging capitalism—though contemporary capitalism urgently, even desperately, needs to be unrigged. As Wolf argues persuasively, rigged capitalism has fueled populist backlashes that are being exploited by plutocratic political entrepreneurs, and which threaten the very survival of liberal democracy. And without economic and political reforms, “[t]he year 2024 might mark the end of American liberal democracy.”

But this is where The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism fails to inspire. It is not that Wolf’s proposed reforms—measured, reasonable, smart, constructive—don’t make sense. It is that they seem exceedingly unlikely to be adopted. Soberly sifting through 70 pages of what a “New” New Deal might look like yields mostly agreeable generalities (“Ending special privileges for the few”) and extremely sensible reforms (greater fairness in the tax code, thoughtful forms of public investment, independent commissions to end gerrymandering, reducing corporate influence in elections, etc.). But we have all been here before."


#capitalism #oligopolies #democracy #Populism #inequality

Last updated 1 year ago

is rising in Europe, dividing society into ‘Us’ 🆚 ‘Them’

The @DEMOS_H2020 project 'unmasks' populism - identifying four types & exploring new ways to counter them👥

Find out how👇 🔗cordis.europa.eu/article/id/44

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/REA_research/

#Populism #EUfunded

Last updated 1 year ago

Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
447 followers · 1661 posts · Server tldr.nettime.org

: "In summer​ 1876, Peter Kropotkin was given a pocket watch by a visiting relative. He was 33 years old, bore one of the Russian Empire’s oldest princely titles and had been a page de chambre to Tsar Alexander II. He was already famous in Russia for his scientific work on zoology and glaciation. Two years earlier, however, he had been arrested and imprisoned as a member of a revolutionary secret society. The watch was delivered to him in a prison hospital, to which he had been transferred after his health declined in the dungeons of the Peter and Paul Fortress. Concealed in the watch was a coded message detailing his role in an elaborate escape plan involving some two dozen comrades, many operating in disguise. The plan went off without a hitch; minutes after climbing into the waiting carriage, Kropotkin had changed his prison clothes for those of an aristocrat, blending in perfectly with the crowd on Nevsky Prospekt. While the imperial secret police fruitlessly combed the area, Kropotkin went out to dinner at a fashionable restaurant. After a few days lying low in nearby dachas, he was spirited away to Britain. He didn’t return to Russia until after the February Revolution of 1917."


#russia #anarchism #Populism #kropotkin

Last updated 1 year ago

Marita Ulvskog · @maritaulvskog
0 followers · 1877 posts · Server respublicae.eu

RT @ozznujen: Inget blev bättre.
Men mycket blev sämre.
När populister och rasister styr går det lätt överstyr och notan för Sverige blir dyr.
Många väljare som nu måste känna sig lurade, duperade och ja väldigt väldigt besvikna.

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/maritaulvskog

#blåbrun #regering #Populism #rasism

Last updated 2 years ago

Dorien Rookmaker · @RookmakerDorien
4 followers · 4709 posts · Server respublicae.eu

“Nadat bedrijven honderden jaren de planeet hebben afgestroopt op zoek naar hout, pelsen, aardolie, ivoor, kostbare metalen, vruchtbare gronden en arbeidskrachten, zonder daarbij noemenswaardig te worden gehinderd” Er wordt een karikatuur gemaakt van ondernemen.

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/RookmakerDori


Last updated 2 years ago

Mick Fealty · @mickfealty
91 followers · 243 posts · Server mindly.social

Has done the world a favour by showing up flaws and accelerating disaffection from the machine that gave such a massive boost over the last ten years?

#ElonMusk #twitter #Populism

Last updated 2 years ago

Alexander Stubb · @alexstubb
359 followers · 3648 posts · Server respublicae.eu

Congratulations and welcome.
RT @MesarovichA: I am EXTREMELY happy to announce I'll be joining the @STGEUI as a Max Weber Fellow for two years researching and illiberal policy diffusion in . Absolutely chuffed! More than chuffed, excited even!

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/alexstubb/sta

#Populism #CEE

Last updated 2 years ago

Workers' Group EESC · @WorkersEESC
9 followers · 1256 posts · Server respublicae.eu

🔴Live now!

@FrancaCFDT opens the last panel of the day discussing , citizens' expectations, and

@PetrosFassoulas @EMInternational
@HelmutScholzMEP @GUE_NGL_FR
@MaryliseLeon @CfdtArianeGroup

📺follow live at facebook.com/EESCWorkersGroup/

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/WorkersEESC/s

#Democracy #Populism #participation

Last updated 2 years ago

Workers' Group EESC · @WorkersEESC
9 followers · 1256 posts · Server respublicae.eu

🔴Live now!

@FrancaCFDT opens the last panel of the day discussing , citizens' expectations, and

@PetrosFassoulas @EMInternational
@HelmutScholzMEP @GUE_NGL_FR
@MaryliseLeon @CfdtArianeGroup

📺follow live at facebook.com/EESCWorkersGroup/

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/WorkersEESC/s

#Democracy #Populism #participation

Last updated 2 years ago

Hello community!

This is the official account for the New Fascism Syllabus (NFS).

In case you aren't already familiar with our project, the NFS is a crowd-sourced collection of scholarly resources on the history of fascist, populist, and authoritarian movements and governments.

If you're interested, check out our website to keep up-to-date on all of our scholarly activities: newfascismsyllabus.com.

#histodons #fediverse #Authoritarianism #Fascism #history #NeoFascism #Populism

Last updated 2 years ago

Jo Leinen · @jo_leinen
1 followers · 118 posts · Server respublicae.eu
Billy Kelleher MEP · @BillyKelleherEU
11 followers · 1279 posts · Server respublicae.eu

Of course we wouldn’t be in the Euro Group if @PearseDoherty and @sinnfeinireland had their way.

They supported the idea of leaving the Euro during financial crisis.

Their heroes then were and @yanisvaroufakis,

Didn’t see them featuring at SF this year.

RT @RTENewsPaulC: Sinn Fein's Pearse Doherty says the only people interested in Paschal Donohoe's bid to remain as EuroGroup President are in FG + FF: "…

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/BillyKelleherEU/stat

#SYRIZA #Populism

Last updated 2 years ago

EU Research Results · @CORDIS_EU
43 followers · 568 posts · Server respublicae.eu

RT @DEMOS_H2020: DEMOS scholars @d7v1d_ & @hebe226 investigated the role of cognitive processing styles and negative in supporting .

Results show that participants agree more with emotionally framed arguments, especially populist ones.

New paper 👇

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/CORDIS_EU/status/155

#emotions #Populism

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @DEMOS_H2020: DEMOS scholars @d7v1d_ & @hebe226 investigated the role of cognitive processing styles and negative in supporting .

Results show that participants agree more with emotionally framed arguments, especially populist ones.

New paper 👇

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/REA_research/status/

#emotions #Populism

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @DEMOS_H2020: DEMOS published its last annual report on and today🎉

Download the report and learn more about how to detect , play a fun on countering
populism, and discover science-based policy recommendations from .


🐦🔗: nitter.eu/REA_research/status/

#Populism #Democracy #fakenews #game #DEMOS_H2020

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @DEMOS_H2020: We posted new publications on and to the website today🎉

You can find research results from DEMOS at:


🐦🔗: nitter.eu/REA_research/status/

#Populism #SocialMedia #research #OpenAccess #H2020

Last updated 2 years ago