CFP from my Inbox: UK conference in Oct 2023
Open to participants from #academia and beyond
#SexualityStudies #GenderStudies #MediaStudies #TelevisionStudies #FilmStudies #TransStudies #SexWork #PornStudies
#academia #sexualitystudies #genderstudies #mediastudies #TelevisionStudies #filmstudies #transstudies #sexwork #PornStudies
TFW a sentence rolls off the pen already packed with enough alliteration to satisfy a skald (though probably not Reviewer 2)
“Many dominance/submission practices place participants in recognisable, almost ritualised roles; specific scenarios involving ‘sissy’ submissives can be traced at least to the eighties” #AmWriting #GenderStudies #PornStudies #TransStudies #BDSM
#amwriting #genderstudies #PornStudies #transstudies #bdsm
#AmWriting: “Valuable as they are, #sissy memoirs take a position that's marginal in a particularly conventional way, inscribed within existing stereotypes of queerness in the arts as well as aspirational narratives whose class and racial component is rarely examined. And they conventionally treat #GenderNonConformity as inseparable from same-sex desire. The child in sissy memoirs is always implicitly protogay — so always implicitly a man” #GenderStudies #QueerStudies #TransStudies #PornStudies
#amwriting #sissy #gendernonconformity #genderstudies #queerstudies #transstudies #PornStudies
#AmWriting: “Autobiographical ‘#sissy memoirs’ explicitly reflect on the possibilities for reclaiming #sissiness: childhood pain drives radical self-acceptance culminating in “the sissy triumphant, enraged, jeweled by an elegant crown of his own devising” (Doty, 1999: 106). Deliberately embracing the margins, the adult sissy gains the right to conspicuously flout social rules in a theatrical, glamorous and often playful self-reinvention.” #GenderStudies #QueerStudies #TransStudies #PornStudies
#amwriting #sissy #sissiness #genderstudies #queerstudies #transstudies #PornStudies
#AmWriting: “An essential part of the policing of gender involves shaming. Yelling ‘#sissy’ at someone lets them know that they have failed to maintain the appropriate standards — but also discourages social engagement unless they can ‘fix’ their nonconforming behaviour. This shaming is performative: identifying and denouncing #sissiness is in fact how young men-in-the-making prove to themselves and others that they are sufficiently manly” #GenderStudies #QueerStudies #TransStudies #PornStudies
#amwriting #sissy #sissiness #genderstudies #queerstudies #transstudies #PornStudies
#AmWriting: “Grant (2004) has documented how fear and anger at #sissiness became institutionalised in modern capitalism. Pre-industrial households kept children in the women’s sphere regardless of gender, but in urban contexts the need to distinguish boys from girls had become pressing. Child-rearing thus “recast [little boys] as men in the making” (p. 830); any attachment to #femininity was seen as sickly, failed and disordered” #GenderStudies #QueerStudies #TransStudies #PornStudies #sissy
#amwriting #sissiness #femininity #genderstudies #queerstudies #transstudies #PornStudies #sissy
#AmWriting: “The figure of the #sissy elicits the strongest responses of fear and anger as a break with patriarchal order: it is not seen merely as an effeminate man, but as a failed one. Whether in schoolyard taunts, in popular media or in psychomedical theory, #sissiness is constructed as an object of derision. And for the most part, scholarship on sissiness has meant scholarship on the pain, shame and abjection of this subject position” #GenderStudies #QueerStudies #TransStudies #PornStudies
#amwriting #sissy #sissiness #genderstudies #queerstudies #transstudies #PornStudies
Look, it's @mixosaurus talking about how the terminology that #trans people use to talk about themselves is a messy assemblage whose past, present and (a fortiori) future is always a challenge to interpret!
(This is at the presentation of Sebastián Córdoba's excellent book on #nonbinary identities Buy Sebastián's book — but also read the stuff Kat and I are doing on #GenderDiversity in #PornStudies)
#trans #nonbinary #genderdiversity #PornStudies
You're still on time to catch this amazing roundtable on #Queer #Porn and the Erotic as History with @NoisyBits, Kate Maxwell, Toni Karat and David Carrillo-Rangel! #QueerStudies #GenderStudies #PornStudies
#queer #porn #queerstudies #genderstudies #PornStudies
HMU with your fave readings on #effeminacy / #sissiness / #MaleFemininity!
#AmWriting a new paper, this time on #sissy characters in porn as a lens on the connections between pleasure and (patriarchal) power, and it's time to flesh out the conceptual framework for the #LiteratureReview
(I'm interested in stuff from any disciplinary background, although #GenderStudies, #TransStudies, #PornStudies and #LiteraryLinguistics/#Stylistics stuff would be particularly welcome) #AcademicChatter
#effeminacy #sissiness #malefemininity #amwriting #sissy #literaturereview #genderstudies #transstudies #PornStudies #literarylinguistics #academicchatter
#AmWriting #PornStudies slash #TransStudies today:
“On one hand, a male-gaze culture has tended to objectify feminine gender identities and performances. On the other, dominant understandings of #GenderDiversity still assume clinical dysphoria & therefore cannot conceive of GD people as sexual subjects/objects unless medically fixed. Pornography is unique in offering an opportunity to explore the ‘spectra of sexual desire’ where GD embodiment and identification can be positively expressed”
#amwriting #PornStudies #transstudies #genderdiversity
#AmWriting a paper with @mixosaurus on gender diversity in written #porn, and who'd've thought that explaining Why Trans Porn Matters™ in <500 words would be hard?
Let's try the one-toot version:
* because there's a lot of it
* because it's often more diverse/positive than MSM
* because SRE/medicine often ignore trans desire & so people have to learn from porn
* because people explore in porn desires they can't enact IRL
Would that do?
#amwriting #porn #PornStudies #transstudies #genderstudies
#Introduction post (tl;dr: I'll be posting mostly about how people write about sexy stuff)
Hi folks! I'm Alon and I am a researcher using #CorpusLinguistics to do #PornStudies — or, less abstractly: investigating how people talk and write about sexual desire, fantasy and identity
(A frequent partner in crime is @mixosaurus)
I teach about writing, editing, online communication, branding and research methods at #OxfordBrookes, where I'm also a union rep for #UCU
#Introduction #corpuslinguistics #PornStudies #OxfordBrookes #ucu