That is a looooottttt of wine 🍷! 😂 🤣 😂 Just another day in #Portugal 🇵🇹 folks…
👉🏾 Cue the Jesus Jokes: Portugal Streets Are Flooded With 600,000 Gallons of Red Wine - RELEVANT
We passed the 1 year mark of living in #Portugal in July, and looking back the single most important decision we made was sending our daughter to a Portuguese school. Because she’s fluent it makes so many other things in our life easier - she has many native Portuguese friends, and we have a network of other Portuguese parents. She translates for us, even though we are still learning the language. And in the eyes of others, her success helps to demonstrate our commitment to being here.
Wir waren Chillen an unserem Minimeer. Olaf hat soviel Wasser noch nie gesehen. #dogsofmastodon #Portugal
Spot on. #Mosstodon #Portugal #photography
#Mosstodon #Portugal #photography
Dogwalk along the mossy drystone walls. The moss is fresh green after the rain. #Portugal #Mosstodon #photography
#Portugal #Mosstodon #photography
Morning light on #Mosstodon #Portugal #photography
#Mosstodon #Portugal #photography
So apparently Lisbon is now considered the most expensive city for rental in Europe. That's great... especially since Portugal is one of the countries with the lowest wages in Europe. Really I can't remember anyone - even in IT related careers - that make enough to pay 2500€ for a 1 bedroom apartment (plus utilities). Probably most population can't even pay half of that as a couple or even a trouple.
#lisbon #Portugal #inequality #housingcrisis
31 de Agosto de 1813 tras sufrir el asedio de las tropas británicas y portuguesas la ciudad de San Sebastián, en manos de los franceses, es saqueada e incendiada por los sitiadores ebrios y enfurecidos por las pérdidas sufridas durante la campaña. #efemérides #sansebastian #donostia #unitedkingdom #portugal #napoleonicwars #france #history #historia
#historia #history #France #napoleonicwars #Portugal #unitedkingdom #donostia #sansebastian #efemerides
A bit skyporn from last year. These are the skies I am longing for, the cloudless sky in summer is sooo boring. #photography #Portugal
Die Zeit der langweiligen blauen Himmel ist vorbei. Gottseidank. Endlich bald wieder Skyporn. Das läuft sich aber erst noch warm.
#photography #Portugal
Physicist Engineer | Photonics Engineer
iLoF - Intelligent Lab on Fiber
See the full job description on jobRxiv:
#ScienceJobs #hiring #research
Porto #Portugal #Engineer #Researcher
#researcher #engineer #Portugal #research #hiring #ScienceJobs
#hiking 16km on Passadiços do Paiva ( near Arouca, #Portugal a 8km linear path of wooden walkways on the mountains near margins of the river Paiva.
It's great although my knees didn't like the ~500 steps stairs at the beginning 😅
Forgot to show you the morning walk of today. I love the light here. #photography #Portugal
[7 years ago today]
Portuguese stone carving #StoneLettering #TypographyInTheWild #typography #blackletter
(First posted 27 Aug. 2016 by me [@]
#stonelettering #typographyinthewild #typography #blackletter #lisbon #lisboa #Lissabon #Portugal #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
#graffiti #TypographyInTheWild #typography #ChristianOgCharlottePåEventyr #typograffiti
(First posted 26 Aug. 2016 by me [@]
#graffiti #typographyinthewild #typography #christianogcharlottepaeventyr #typograffiti #lisbon #Lissabon #lisboa #Portugal #bestofmygrams