According to the authors of the paper published in iScience [4]: "With further improvements in stability of local clocks used for timing, it is anticipated that MuWNS can be adapted to improve autonomous mobile robot navigation and positioning as well as other underground and underwater practical applications."
In what other ways do you think this technology can be used? Deep-sea mission navigation perhaps?
#gps #gischat #navigation #Positioning #muons #cosmic #gnss
Muons have been used previously to image archeological structures, search for hidden Mayan ruins, and detect hidden corridors and chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza [3].
Recently, the first navigation with wireless muometric navigation system (MuWNS) in indoor and underground environments was successfully tested [4] showing accuracy exceeding the GPS single-point positioning.
#gps #gischat #navigation #Positioning #muons #cosmic #gnss
You know GPS but have you heard of muPS (Muometric Positioning System)?
The muometric positioning or navigation system (muPS/μPS/muNS) is a novel positioning/navigation system that utilizes the ubiquitous and highly-penetratve cosmic-ray muons [1][2].
This technique does not require active signal generation [1][2] and is usable in environments where GPS/GNSS signals cannot reach such as underwater and underground.
#gps #gischat #navigation #Positioning #muons #cosmic #gnss
Wow, CSS anchors eems promising 🤩 !
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With their latest IoT Starter Kit, @Minew_Tech have designed this kit for real-time identification, positioning, tracking, and sensing.
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