Late night/early morning visitor to the backyard pond. #Possum #PossumsOfMastodon #Possums #BackyardNature #TrailCam #UrbanWildlife #Wildlife #Nature #GardenWildlife #PondCamera #BackyardPond #opossum
#possum #possumsofmastodon #Possums #backyardnature #trailcam #urbanwildlife #wildlife #nature #gardenwildlife #pondcamera #backyardpond #opossum
Relatable cat memes, possum pal, senior pittie gets a home, happy cockatoo, and more.
#birds #cats #cockatoos #dogs #kittens #Possums #pups
Finally sorting out a Pinned Post since discovering ### don’t work in Profiles!
I’ll be posting, boosting etc on the following:
#politics #ScottishPolitics #ScottishIndependence
All things #Ukraine but mostly war stuff
#Books #Reading & #ScienceFiction #SciFi
Oh, and #StarTrek
Some #Catholic stuff
#Cats #Possums & occasionally other beasties
#DuolingoSpanish & #DuolingoItalian
Any random stuff that interests me
#duolingoitalian #duolingospanish #Possums #cats #catholic #startrek #scifi #sciencefiction #reading #books #ukraine #scottishindependence #scottishpolitics #politics
Apples, tomatoes, pears, potato, sweet potato, broccoli… the stalks are yuk!
Were-possums discussing their next attack on my tomato patch. 🍅
#possums / #feasting / James Vandersteen, PhD Student, UNSW Sydney and Thomas Newsome, Senior lecturer, University of Sydney <>
Unexpected Footage Shows #Possums Feasting on #Kangaroos in The Australian Alps
#australia #kangaroos #Possums
My possum is back this afternoon for more birdseed. The dog has definite opinions about this. #possums
Big visitor at the food dish tonight. This considerate opossum left plenty of kibble for the feral Stripy Cat's dinner, too, unlike their sibling (who also visits).
#critters #urbanwildlife #Possums #opossums
Hey @possumeveryhour and @hourlyposs I'm not sure we should be including common bushtail possums (Diprotodontia) and American [o]possums (Didelphimorphia) in the same botly image set? I would like to have BOTH a diprotodontia AND a didelphimorphia each our plz.
Thank you, botsinspace for your service in this regard.
#possums #opossums #dangitEnglishCommonNames #nowIhavetoResearchTheEtymologyOfPossums
#Possums #opossums #dangitenglishcommonnames #nowihavetoresearchtheetymologyofpossums
I feed several possums on my front porch, but even I'd draw the line at letting them inside.
#hospitality #opossums #Possums
#PossumLady is still the best :D
#xmas #comedy #possums #MePearl
#mepearl #Possums #comedy #xmas #possumlady
So I make a general mess of myself, as Stanley, in the Country Funk kitchen on YouTube.
We sure could use some more fans of #cooking #cookingshows #possums and #puppets.
#cooking #cookingshows #Possums #puppets
Hard-luck possum at the feral cat's food bowl. It looks like this poor critter has had a difficult few weeks since the last time I saw them.
Sorry about the condensation on the glass. This possum would have bolted if I'd tried to wipe it off.
#wildlife #marsupials #Possums #opossums
A nice shot of one of the several opossums that timeshare the food bowl with the feral Stripy Cat.
I believe three opossums visit: Two siblings and a gigantic opossum whose relstionship to the others is unclear. This one is the smallest of the three. It was starved the first time it showed up and, I suspect, would not have survived without being able to raid Stripy's food bowl.
#Possums #opossums #marsupials #marsupialmonday
I used to wonder why Australia got all the cute marsupials (like the possum in the post I'm linking to) while the Americas only got the opossum, which almost nobody would describe as cute. Then I remembered that only the Americas have hummingbirds.
A fair deal, I think.
#opossums #Possums #marsupials
Still hoping to find #RedPandas, #possums every hour, #Music scholars, #WomenInMusic folx, #EarlyModernists, #TwentiethCentury historians and scholars, #SilentFilm people, #FilmMusic people, #SFF readers, #Opera fans and creators, #Dog people, #Horse people, more….
#RedPandas #Possums #music #womeninmusic #EarlyModernists #twentiethcentury #silentfilm #filmmusic #sff #opera #dog #horse
Winston has been showing up with a shy friend who won’t come near me yet so no photo of the two together. I’m dreaming about baby possums, I hope it happens! 🍀😊
#wildlife #animals #BackyardAnimals #AnimalLover #Possums #nature
#opossum #wildlife #animals #backyardanimals #animallover #Possums #nature
Look at this beautiful poss. I love them so much. #possum #opossum #poss #possums #iLoveOpossums
#possum #opossum #poss #Possums #iloveopossums
Look at this beautiful poss. I love them so much. #possum #opossum #poss #possums #iloveopossums
#possum #opossum #poss #Possums #iloveopossums