After a summer with multiple off-the-charts temperature records and numerous fatal extreme weather events all over the world, a discussion on #degrowth and #decolonization is more relevant than ever.
Tune in to the next online seminar organized by the UCPH Degrowth Network - Tuesday Sep 19th, at 2 PM CEST.
Dr. Brototi Roy (Central European University) will talk about "The Future of Degrowth: Decolonizing more than the imaginary"
#degrowth #postgrowth #AlternativeEconomics #capitalism #Decolonisation #Decolonization #Ecology #SocialJustice #ClimateJustice #ClimateCrisis
#degrowth #decolonization #PostGrowth #AlternativeEconomics #capitalism #decolonisation #ecology #socialjustice #ClimateJustice #climatecrisis
New paper out by Jefim Vogel & Jason Hickel demonstrating the absurdity of #greengrowth promisses:
"[H]igh-income countries have not achieved green growth, and are very unlikely to be able to achieve it in the future"
"At the achieved rates, these countries would on average take more than 220 years to reduce their emissions by 95%, emitting 27 times their remaining 1·5°C fair-shares in the process. To meet their 1·5°C fair-shares alongside continued economic growth, decoupling rates would on average need to increase by a factor of ten by 2025." #degrowth #postgrowth
Open-access pdf is here:
#GreenGrowth #degrowth #PostGrowth
The fourth instance of our online Degrowth seminar series is coming up, on September 19th, 2 PM-3 PM CEST
“The future of degrowth: Decolonizing more than the imaginary” by Dr. Brototi Roy (Central European University, Vienna)
In recent years, degrowth has sparked multiple discussions, analyses and actions on repoliticizing the debate for socio-ecological justice and equity. Since the beginning of the movement as an activist slogan, there have been calls for decolonizing the imaginary. In this talk, Dr. Roy will engage with the idea of how can this decolonization be more material.
The talk will take place on Zoom, registration here:
It will be followed by 30 min of informal discussion for those interested.
#Degrowth #Postgrowth #Decolonisation #Decolonization #Colonialism #Postcolonialism #Decroissance #ClimateJustice #SocialJustice #socioecological #ClimateCrisis #Equity #Activism
How can I be informed about future events organized by the UCPH Degrowth Network?
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#degrowth #PostGrowth #decolonisation #decolonization #colonialism #postcolonialism #decroissance #ClimateJustice #socialjustice #socioecological #climatecrisis #equity #activism
Toward a circular economy...
Have you considered using the property to explore living condition scenarios from "Decent living with minimum energy"? That's something I've frequently thought about since reading that paper (I just did a measurement now, to compare a 15 m² per capita benchmark.)
It could go hand-in-hand with a transfer to cooperative ownership, for people who could be interested in trying this.
Also posted on Groundtalk — the low-energy and low-data (#permacomputing) social network, that uses less energy than a single tweet:
#Housing #Coop #Degrowth #Rent #Capitalism #SharedHousing #CoHousing #Cooperatives #Design #Postgrowth #Transitions #Sustainability #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Architecture #InteriorDesign #Planning #Construction #BuenVivir #LivingWell #Pluriverse
#permacomputing #housing #coop #degrowth #rent #capitalism #sharedhousing #cohousing #cooperatives #design #PostGrowth #transitions #sustainability #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #architecture #interiordesign #planning #construction #buenvivir #livingwell #pluriverse
According to a 2019 study by Harvard [1], the public cost of the car economy is $5,645 per person per year. (The private cost is $6,000/year per car.)
Together, the cost of maintaining the U.S. car economy is $3.5 trillion per year.
In the communities with significant bike infrastructure, the public cost is $150 per person per year. (The private cost is $500/year per bike.)
In the communities significant public transit, the operating costs are $1,230 per person per year. (The private cost of transit is $720/year per rider).
Together, the cost of a bike and transit economy in the U.S. is $0.862 trillion per year.
#fuckcars #transit #bikes #carfree #publictransit #walking #publicspace #infrastructure #pedestrians #degrowth #postgrowth #economy #government #civic #trillion #parking #parkinglot #highway #road #bicycle #sidewalk #urbanism #community #neighborhood #subsidies #policy #road #street #StrongTowns
#fuckcars #transit #bikes #carfree #publictransit #walking #publicspace #infrastructure #pedestrians #degrowth #PostGrowth #economy #government #civic #trillion #parking #parkinglot #highway #road #bicycle #sidewalk #urbanism #Community #neighborhood #subsidies #policy #street #strongtowns
Any animators / illustrators / media-makers who dig #DragonBallZ, and want to try and bring a #climate crossover script to life? Either way, check it out — you might enjoy the read!
#script #video #media #action #fanfic #ClimateEmergency #Goku #Vegeta #EVs #transit #JohnWick #IronMan #speculativefiction #fanfic #climatefiction #anime #cartoon #animation #illustration #art #agitprop #graphicnovel #comics #comicart #comicbook #LandBack #extraction #mining #lithium #FF #fossilfuels #BigOil #directaction #disruption #fuckcars #carfree #solidarity #agroecology #foodsovereignty #sovereignty #freiza #bikes #morethanhuman #covid #masks #masking #refugee #migrants #mutualaid #orcas #climatedefiance #guerillagardening #ecosocialism #degrowth #postgrowth #Piccolo #kingkai #trunks
#dragonballz #climate #script #Video #media #action #fanfic #climateemergency #goku #vegeta #evs #transit #JohnWick #ironman #speculativefiction #ClimateFiction #anime #cartoon #animation #illustration #Art #agitprop #graphicNovel #comics #comicart #comicbook #landback #extraction #mining #lithium #FF #fossilfuels #bigoil #directaction #disruption #fuckcars #carfree #solidarity #agroecology #foodsovereignty #sovereignty #freiza #bikes #moreThanHuman #covid #masks #masking #refugee #migrants #MutualAid #orcas #climatedefiance #guerillagardening #ecosocialism #degrowth #PostGrowth #piccolo #kingkai #trunks
For post-car organizing, anybody can make a bike + transit map for their own place.
Just open the URL below, search your city, and zoom into about 13 (in the URL, you'll see the zoom level as "map=13")
Here's a map for part of Atlanta, just like that!
Made with OpenStreetBrowser!
#carfree #bike #transit #map #openstreetmap #bus #metro #train #subway #publictransit #cycling #walking #planning #city #place #urbanism #organizing #tool #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #degrowth #postgrowth #transition #mobility
#carfree #bike #transit #map #openstreetmap #bus #metro #train #subway #publictransit #cycling #walking #planning #city #place #urbanism #Organizing #tool #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #degrowth #PostGrowth #transition #mobility
Excellent take on one of the reasons* why the neoliberalization of society makes the overall economy more inefficient:
"At a micro-level, the dispersion and precarity of life outcomes in the United States make us all as individuals behave as if we are more greedy [...] I've described this before as "predatory precarity".
* : There are more, e.g. preparation of the ground for fascism and the destruction of te environment seem also to be clearly limiting factors...
@lykso :anarchoheart3:
#Economy #Degrowth #PostGrowth #SocialSecurity #Welfare #Neoliberalism #Capitalism #EcomomicEfficiency #MacroEconomy #MicroEconomy
#economy #degrowth #PostGrowth #SocialSecurity #Welfare #neoliberalism #capitalism #ecomomicefficiency #macroeconomy #microeconomy
#PostGrowthEurope #PostGrowthWorld #BeyondGrowth #PostGrowth #DoughnutEconomics #ClimateAction #SDG8 #SDG13
Read letter:
More infos:
#PostGrowth #growth #degrowth #postgrowtheurope #postgrowthworld #beyondgrowth #doughnuteconomics #climateaction #SDG8 #sdg13
"Effectively, socialists in parliament are not a clever ‘foothold in parliament for workers’ but a foothold of the capitalist state in the workers’ movement."
"All the things socialists may expect to achieve from elections; a soapbox for their politics, the ability to make small legal reforms, can be achieved through means that do not require we sacrifice workers’ politics in the bourgeois halls of power."
#anarchism #degrowth #postgrowth
#anarchism #degrowth #PostGrowth
Technology alone won't save us, but we can change our social and political relations to it, and fundamentally think about how, when, and why we use technology in a post capitalist, post growth future. It's not just low and high tech, but appropriate technology.
#solarpunk #permacomputing #degrowth #PostGrowth
The third seminar of the #Degrowth Online Seminar Series is coming up!
“Caring for Future: Feminist Perspectives on Degrowth” by Dr. Corinna Dengler.
Come join the talk (and follow-up discussion) on June 13th at 1 PM CEST! To attend, please register at this Zoom link:
To stay updated about future events, you can send an email to:
#BeyondGrowth #Postgrowth #Feminism #Economics #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #Colonialism #Environment #Sustainability #Decroissance
#degrowth #beyondgrowth #PostGrowth #Feminism #economics #climatecrisis #capitalism #colonialism #environment #sustainability #decroissance
Last week, the "Beyond Growth Conference" took place in the European Parliament in Brussels.
The conference had more than 4.000 participants, among them Ursula von der Leyen who said at this conference that the "fossile growth model" is "simply obsolete".
Here in Germany I did not notice any news report about this event in our German media.
The TV station Euronews reported about this event, link to watch in next toot.
#degrowth #PostGrowth #postwachstum #beyondgrowth2023
Giebt es in irgendeiner deutschen Zeitung oder Zeitschrift einen Bericht über die 3-tägige EU-Komferez #BeyondGrowth2023?
Ich finde nichts.
#PostGrowth #beyondgrowth #postwachstum
#Pressefreiheit #UnsereWerte
#beyondgrowth2023 #PostGrowth #beyondgrowth #postwachstum #Pressefreiheit #unserewerte
Von der Leyens speech at the #Beyondgrowth conference ( imo is a great example of cooptation of #postgrowth or #wellbeingeconomy concepts.
But also a bit more radical concepts like #degrowth are not safe against this. I am very sceptical of the widespread openness towards parliamentary/statist politics and cooperativist & business-friendly strategies within the degrowth movement (e.g.
Degrowth will come via class struggle from below against capital and the state or it won't: #anarchism
#beyondgrowth #PostGrowth #WellbeingEconomy #degrowth #anarchism
#Degrowth und #Postgrowth.
Die zukünftigen und "letzten" Generationen haben aufgrund der demographischen Situation die Chance etwas zu schrumpfen - allerdings mit Verzicht auf Infrastruktur aber Gewinn an Umwelt und Ressourcen.
Höre den #CircularMetabolism-Podcast (zur Zeit my favorite) mit Robert Costanza: Exzellente Folge. Eine der klarsten knappen Darstellungen der Abhängigkeit vom Wachstum, die ich kenne. Bin gespannt auf Costanzas neues Buch "Addicted to Growth". #gdp #robertcostanza #postgrowth #planetaryboundaries
#circularmetabolism #gdp #robertcostanza #PostGrowth #planetaryboundaries
There is still time to register for the inaugural talk of our Degrowth Seminar Series happening TOMORROW (30/3) at 2 PM CEST:
Dr. Matthias Schmelzer (University of Jena) - Degrowth 101: A critical introduction to green growth and transformation.
#Degrowth #Postgrowth #Decroissance #dkgreen #dkforsk #sustainability #Climate #Ecology #Economics
#degrowth #PostGrowth #decroissance #dkgreen #dkforsk #sustainability #climate #ecology #economics
The inaugural talk of our seminar series on #degrowth will take place online on 30th March, 2 PM CEST. Everyone is welcome!
@MatthiasSchmelzer will present “Degrowth 101: A critical introduction to green growth and transformation”.
Registration here:
Economic growth isn’t working, and it cannot be made to work. Offering a counter-history of how economic growth emerged in the context of #colonialism, fossil-fueled #industrialization, and #capitalist modernity, the lecture explains how the ideology of #growth conceals the rising #inequalities and #ecological destructions associated with capitalism, and points to desirable alternatives to it. It begins by outlining the hegemony of growth and then moves on to discuss the critique of growth and proposals for degrowth policies. Building on a vibrant field of research, it discusses the political economy and the #politics of a non-growing #economy. It charts a path forward through policies that democratize the economy, #now-topias that create free spaces for experimentation, and counter-hegemonic movements that make it possible to break with the logic of growth.
#dkklima #dkgreen #dkforsk #dkpol #sustainability #growth #ecology #ScienceMastodon #décroissance #postgrowth
#degrowth #colonialism #industrialization #capitalist #growth #inequalities #ecological #politics #economy #now #dkklima #dkgreen #dkforsk #dkpol #sustainability #ecology #ScienceMastodon #decroissance #PostGrowth