It seems some server issues of the last days call for a re-#introduction. Apologies for lost followings/posts!
I am #DigitalHumanitites Coordinator at Max Planck Institute for #LegalHistory and #LegalTheory ( in Frankfurt/M., supporting projects in all their digital needs: #DigitalEdition, #NLP, #GraphDatabases, #DataModeling, #LOD, #RSE - Jack of all trades, master of none.
Also, I am philosopher by training with a focus on legal, political and social philosophy and their histories. #DiscourseTheory, #PostPhenomenology, #Deconstruction, #EarlyModernity. I study the development of #SocialTheory in Spanish #Scholasticism. I'm collaborator in both my "digital" and my "philosophical" roles to The School of Salamanca project ( of the Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz.
Tooting mostly about work, some politics and occasionally just funny things.
Find Pronouns and Orcid in my profile.
(I have the same handle on the birdsite.)
#introduction #DigitalHumanitites #legalhistory #legaltheory #DigitalEdition #nlp #GraphDatabases #DataModeling #lod #rse #DiscourseTheory #PostPhenomenology #deconstruction #EarlyModernity #socialtheory #Scholasticism
I've moved instances so here's a re-#introduction:
I am #DigitalHumanitites Coordinator at Max Planck Institute for #LegalHistory and #LegalTheory (, supporting vastly different projects in all their digital needs: #DigitalEdition, #NLP, #GraphDatabases, #DataModeling, #LOD, etc. I am trying to at least have a rough overview of what's going on in all these fields.
Also, I am philosopher by training with a focus on legal, political and social philosophy and their histories. In particular, #DiscourseTheory, #PostPhenomenology, #Deconstruction, #EarlyModernity. My pet peeve is the development of #SocialTheory in Spanish #Scholasticism. I'm collaborator in both my "digital" and my "philosophical" roles to The School of Salamanca project (
I'm a dad, husband and - when I find the time - am amateuring in #Capoeira and making (guitar-y) #music.
Pronouns are he/his. Orcid:
(I have the same handle on the birdsite.)
#music #Capoeira #Scholasticism #socialtheory #EarlyModernity #deconstruction #PostPhenomenology #DiscourseTheory #lod #DataModeling #GraphDatabases #nlp #DigitalEdition #legaltheory #legalhistory #DigitalHumanitites #introduction