Scale & Feather is a Tucson, Arizona-based post-rock project founded by multi-instrumentalist Curtis Rockhold. Over the last twelve months, the artist released several outstanding singles, and I immensely enjoyed them. I mentioned some of them in the monthly music lists I publish here on my blog, which is how I came in contact with Curtis. Long story short: I asked him for an interview!
#PostRock #PostMusic #PostMetal #PostRockBlog #interview #music #ScaleAndFeather
#scaleandfeather #Music #interview #PostRockBlog #postmetal #PostMusic #postrock
Scale & Feather ist ein Post-Rock-Projekt aus Tucson, Arizona, gegründet von Multi-Instrumentalist Curtis Rockhold. Der Künstler veröffentlichte in den vergangenen zwölf Monaten einige großartige Singles, die mir sehr gefallen. Einige davon habe in meinen monatlichen Playlists veröffentlicht und kam darüber mit Curtis in Kontakt. Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn: Wir haben uns zu einem Interview verabredet!
#PostRock #PostMusic #PostMetal #PostRockBlog #interview #music
#Music #interview #PostRockBlog #postmetal #PostMusic #postrock
Lost in Kiev are planning to release their new album "Rupture" on October 7th. Pre-orders will be available from August 4th. They are looking back on more than ten years of band history, during which they have released post-rock with their very personal signature. In my latest blog story you can read everything about it – I already had the chance to listen to it. Blog link: bio.🤍
#LostInKiev #PostMusic #HeavyMusic #instrumental #experimental #review #NewRelease #NewRecords #LoveMusic #MusicLover #CyberPunk #futuristic #CinematicPostRock
#PostRock #PostRockBlog #LostInKiev #PostMusic #HeavyMusic #instrumental #experimental #review #NewRelease #NewRecords #LoveMusic #MusicLover #CyberPunk #futuristic #CinematicPostRock
#PostRockBlog #postrock #cinematicpostrock #futuristic #CyberPunk #musiclover #LoveMusic #newrecords #newrelease #review #experimental #instrumental #heavymusic #PostMusic #lostinkiev
Lost in Kiev blicken inzwischen auf über zehn Jahre Bandgeschichte zurück, in denen sie Post-Rock mit ihrer ganz persönlichen Handschrift veröffentlicht haben. Das neue Album "Rupture" erscheint am 7. Oktober. Vorbestellungen werden ab dem 4. August möglich sein. Im neuen Blogartikel erfahrt Ihr alles über die Platte – ich habe nämlich schon reingehört.🤍
#PostRock #PostRockBlog #LostInKiev #PostMusic #HeavyMusic #instrumental #experimental #review #NewRelease #NewRecords #LoveMusic #MusicLover #CyberPunk #futuristic #CinematicPostRock
#cinematicpostrock #futuristic #CyberPunk #musiclover #LoveMusic #newrecords #newrelease #review #experimental #instrumental #heavymusic #PostMusic #lostinkiev #PostRockBlog #postrock
Ich habe mich mit #GodIsAnAstronaut Mitglied Jamie Dean über sein Solo-Projekt, die laufende GIAA Tour und Mutualismus und was wir daraus lernen können unterhalten. ♡
#PostRock #Interview #PostMusic #PostRockBlog #PostMetal #music
#Music #postmetal #PostRockBlog #PostMusic #interview #postrock #GodIsAnAstronaut
Drumroll! I just posted my #interview with #GodIsAnAstronaut member #JamieDean! We talked about his solo project, the ongoing tour, and mutual relationships. Please enjoy! ♡
#PostRock #PostMusic #MusicBlog #PostRockBlog #PostMetal #Music
#Music #postmetal #PostRockBlog #musicblog #PostMusic #postrock #JamieDean #GodIsAnAstronaut #interview