Impulse buy at #Poundland. Perfect for taking notes on my new course obvs.
Legally blonde
A5 Note Book And Pen Gift Set
#LegallyBlonde #BendAndSnap
#bendandsnap #LegallyBlonde #Poundland
4 tins of Heinz beans at #Tesco £3.99
Same 4 tins of Heinz beans at #Poundland £2.75
What possible explanation can there be other than Tesco price gouging?
Oh noes! Have managed to lose a leg of my #Poundland reading glasses. 🦿 How long can I go on one leg before another trip to the shop? Wow #Legless as a teetotaller.
Bought some shiny paint in #poundland and gave it a good rubbing! 🖌️🖤🌟📼 If you like by all means reboostblog as I'm not an artist but feedback helps my rediclous fragile ego 🥚🐣♂️ #art #paint #hobbiesthatkeepyousane
#hobbiesthatkeepyousane #paint #art #Poundland
I’m generally leaving music stuff for my music account, so as not to spam you, but I started really getting into videos in 2021/2022, learned #AdobePremierePro and it’s a 2023 goal to learn more. When editing film, I pass maybe 5 or 6 hours and ‘awake’ freezing cold, rigid, and desperate for a pee. That’s when you know you love something, right? I need more RAM though. Def more RAM in 2023.
This video features the #PoundLand £1 smartphone #FisheyeLens 😃
#fisheyelens #Poundland #AdobePremierePro
@matt They got Fairy dishwash soap and for my wife it brings back memories of #Poundland