@watson Agenda driven fake news enemy of the people idiots!

Here are the top 10 most intense Atlantic hurricanes by wind speed and pressure at landfall

Why was no one screaming “Climate Change” in the 1930’s when they had these record hurricanes?

#ClimateChangeHoax #GlobalWarmingHoax #globalist #OneWorlders #moneygrab #PowerGrab #ControlGrab

Last updated 2 years ago

@watson Agenda driven fake news enemy of the people idiots!

Here are the top 10 most intense Atlantic hurricanes by wind speed and pressure at landfall

Why was no one screaming “Climate Change” in the 1930’s when they had these record hurricanes?

#ClimateChangeHoax #GlobalWarmingHoax #globalist #OneWorlders #moneygrab #PowerGrab #ControlGrab

Last updated 2 years ago

Jesse Stone. · @JesseStone
406 followers · 18243 posts · Server freeatlantis.com

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Last updated 3 years ago