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#Windows #discount #bestsales #coupon #sales #microprokey #Microsoft #PowerPoint #Laptop #office2019 #Software
The most bizarre thing I've read on the internet today. This IT analyst thinks that #MicrosoftOffice products lack in integration due to historical acquisitions. OK, so because #PowerPoint was acquired only 36 years ago, MS hasn't yet had adequate time to iron out the details? Here's to hoping Office 2052 is where they'll finally nail those details! https://www.computerworld.com/article/3691771/microsoft-copilot-could-fix-a-long-running-office-problem.html
#ChatGPT arriba a #Word, #PowerPoint o #Excel amb #Copilot. Serà capaç de fer qualsevol feina a partir d'una frase
#Microsoft #office #AI #ia #copilot #Excel #PowerPoint #word #chatgpt
A quick review of Everything I Know about Life I Learned from Powerpoint by @undermanager . The best thing about this book was that it over-turned some of my assumptions. Here's three of those assumptions getting over-turned. https://careful.digital/commons/blog/i-learned-from-powerpoint #PowerPoint #Tech
Nice little writing tip from @undermanager’s terrific book on #powerpoint: Use https://splasho.com/upgoer5/ to see if your content uses only the most common words. And then use your own intentionality to see if you want to follow its recommendations.
I updated my Attention Method™ of #Presentation #Design post to reflect some of my latest thinking. Check it out!
#presentationdesign #learningdesign #attentionmethod #powerpoint #keynote #revealjs #slidedeck
#slidedeck #revealjs #keynote #PowerPoint #attentionmethod #learningdesign #presentationdesign #design #presentation
[Rappel] Le Machin à écrire — Rapport annuel aux actionnaires 2022
#Bilan2022 #PowerPoint
[Aguiche] Le Comité de direction du Machin à écrire est à pied d'œuvre et met la dernière main à notre traditionnel Rapport annuel. À venir bientôt dans le blogue.
#RapportAnnuel #Blogue #Bilan #PowerPoint #Autodérision
#autoderision #PowerPoint #bilan #blogue #rapportannuel
I have 5 invites for the beta of iA Presenter (https://ia.net/presenter), a new way of making slides. Not starting from templates and bulletpoints but from a good story. Based on #MarkDown.
Definitely in interesting concept. Let me know when you want to test it out. Only for #Mac.
#PowerPoint #presentations #mac #markdown