Got #PowerShell 7 and not seeing event logs in your triage? N.B. for PowerShell 7: Windows PowerShell logs events to "Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational"), but PowerShell 7 now logs events to "PowerShellCore/Operational." Detailed (e.g., Script Block) logging is NOT enabled by default.
PowerShell 7 includes Group Policy templates and an installation script in $PSHOME. Specifically, you can use the "RegisterManifest.ps1" and "InstallPSCorePolicyDefinitions.ps1" scripts in the PS7 installation directory to enable logging.
Also, ISE doesn't support PS7 :( --> but there is an official Visual Studio Code extension that does, and it even has an "ISE Mode."
H/T Nasreddine Bencherchali ( ):
I also consulted
#powershell #PowerShell7 #dfir #eventlogs #logging #artifacts
@mondskiez The worst thing is that all of those choices are antiques. 😉 #powershell7
#PowerShell and #git just got a bit better:
Another version of ugit is out!
ugit updates git and lets it work well with the object Pipeline in #PowerShell7
New in this version:
Install-Module ugit -Scope CurrentUser -Force
Import-Module ugit
git diff | Select-Object -ExpandProperty File
If you are new to #PowerShell7 then I highly recommend this Book by Thomas Lee, especially if you work in a Server Environment.