Giving a #shoutout to the #AllMighty #dandelion 🤲
How I love your #resilience & #determination to #grow under almost any conditions!
Everyone, please, give a slow clap & a thumbs up for this commonly wonderful #plant ❤
#Wsanec #Saanich #rewilding #PNW #PacificNorthwest #nature #SimpleJoys #PowerToLive #GrowOn #MisunderstoodWeed #MyWeedyFriend
#fiercefriday #shoutout #allmighty #dandelion #resilience #determination #grow #plant #wsanec #saanich #rewilding #pnw #pacificnorthwest #nature #simpleJoys #PowerToLive #growon #misunderstoodweed #myweedyfriend
BREAKING: Activists have LOCKED DOWN all entrances to PG&E headquarters in San Francisco to demand they give back their profits until safe, that must hold killers accountable and protect vulnerable communities. #PGEisKillingUS #PowerToLive