(Part 5 of 6): By way of celebrating my new book “Try Anarchism for Life” being in print and in the world, and because I have a backlog of photos of circle As in the wild, plus to honor and thank the folks who took the time and care to write blurbs for this book, here’s a trifecta of what I trust are some beautiful expressions of anarchism: street art + the book’s cover + a blurb.
As it serendipitously and delightfully happens, my book came out on the heels of my dear friend Scott Brandon’s book, “Practical Anarchism,” and both of us seem to be preoccupied with focusing on anarchism as life, as living. Perhaps that’s no coincidence in this fascist time that would see so many of us dead—most of us, in fact. So our #EverydayAnarchism has to be a fighter for and carrier of life. It feels no exaggeration to say it’s either #AnarchismOrFascism.
Thanks to @TheRhizomeHouse and the caring labors of our friend @reblgrrlraechel, Scott and I hope to bring our books into life-giving conversation when we gather on December 3.
Now, onto the blurb:
“What a beautiful and playful collection of anarchist ruminations, like an imaginative picture book for adults (but not in the grown-up sense)! It’s a joyful contribution to anarchist literature as well as to Milstein’s own writing. You can read this poetic book in any order—an alphabet that goes from big A to little a and beyond—which makes it a perfect book to pick up to stimulate creativity and meditation. But after reading the whole thing, one gets the sense of the fullness of a life devoted to anarchism; that is, the mutual care and love for each other and the world that raises the stakes for freedom from domination. As we Jews say, ‘To life!’—that is, to a life worth living!”
—Scott Branson, author of “Practical Anarchism: A Guide for Daily Life”
Copies of my book are available from @tangledwild at www.tangledwilderness.org (in and outside the US), @akpressdistro at www.akpress.org, or your favorite anarchist(ic) bookstores and libraries.
(photos: #QueerAsFuck circle A as seen in Tio’tia:ke/Montreal, summer 2022; fabulous book cover, designed by @eff_charm with circle A by @landonsheely; 2 out of 3 panels from the “flyer” for our schmooze—see The Rhizome House on social media for full info)
#everydayanarchism #anarchismorfascism #queerasfuck #TryAnarchismForLife #TheBeautyOfOurCircle #PracticalAnarchism #WeAreAllWeNeed
Point is the sophistication of this sort of thing will increase. They'll get someone who posts anti-fascist stuff for a week before blowing up a children's hospital.
The organized fascist campaign of terrorism against trans and other queer people in particular has explicitly political ends, is publicly genocidal, and has a large and growing body count.
We must defeat this fascism in the streets, in the media, and in government (abolishing government if needed - #PracticalAnarchism ).
Review: Practical Anarchism: A Guide for Everyday Life
Author: Scott BransonPractical Anarchism: A Guide for Everyday LifePluto PressISBN: 9780745344928
OMG it's an anarchist self-help book! No, not an ironic one for burnt-out activists. This is a guide to rethinking everyday life for readers with
#Anarchism #anarchistself-help #PracticalAnarchism:AGuideforEverydayLife #ScottBranson #self-help
#anarchism #anarchistself #PracticalAnarchism #ScottBranson #self