The cock crows and you
Wake up with a start:
But you spent the night
In your own bed, husband
கோழி கூவியதும்
திடுக்கிட்டெழும் என் கணவா :
நேற்றிரவு நீ உறங்கியது
உன் வீட்டில் தான்
Poem no. 583 of Gaha Sattasai , the first century Maharashtri Prakrit poetry anthology. English translation by Arvind Krishna Mehrotra in his The Absent Traveler : Prakrit Love poetry. Tamil translation by me.
#poetry #translation #tamil #Prakrit
RT @indicatoday
A glimpse into dazzling brilliance & depth of scholarship of kavi & tarkika, #VedantaDesika who has written commentaries & original works across languages, #Sanskrit, #Tamil, #Manipravala and #Prakrit ~ Shyam Krishnakumar (@EduSevaTech )
#sanskrit #tamil #Manipravala #Prakrit #VedantaDesika
#introduction by way of hashtags: I work on the #history of #religions and #legalhistory of #southasia and #southeastasia, esp. #India, #Nepal, and #Indonesia, mainly in #ancient and (so-called) #medieval periods. Sources in #Sanskrit, #Prakrit (Middle Indic), #OldJavanese (#Kawi), and #Tamil. Currently pursuing comparative work on legal #immunities and #exemptions in #foundation #charters. (OK, I guess those last ones make pretty recherché hashtags.)
#introduction #history #religions #legalhistory #SouthAsia #southeastasia #india #nepal #indonesia #ancient #medieval #Sanskrit #Prakrit #OldJavanese #Kawi #tamil #immunities #exemptions #foundation #charters
RT @GhoshAmitav
First instalment of @tmkrishna's Edict Project. Musical renderings of the Edicts in which the great Buddhist philosopher-emperor Ashoka expressed his vision of a humane society. Sung in the original Prakrit.