The world should forget the case of Raman Pratasevich and the forced landing of an entire airplane by the illegitimate Lukashenka regime.
Mr Pratasevich and all political prisoners in Belarus must be released!
RT @nexta_tv: Today begins the trial of the #NEXTA-2020 editors:
Raman #Pratasevich has already been brought to court: "For me personally, everything with these people has long been clear, so I have nothing to say," he said.
#ZyvieBelarus #Nexta #Pratasevich
Today begins the trial of the #NEXTA-2020 editors:
Raman #Pratasevich has already been brought to court: "For me personally, everything with these people has long been clear, so I have nothing to say," he said.
Original tweet :
“The Gestapo has not harmed me in any way. In fact, I highly recommend the Gestapo to everybody.”
RT @HannaLiubakova
#Belarus Breaking. Pro-government channels published Raman #Pratasevich video address. He was forced to say he is confessing that he was “plotting riots”
RT @Amnesty_Schweiz
Die Entführung des belarussischen Journalisten #Pratasevich bringt Dissident*innen weltweit in Gefahr. Die internationale Gemeinschaft muss energisch reagieren, damit sich dieser Akt der Luftpiraterie niemals wiederholt.#BelarusHighjacking
#Pratasevich #BelarusHighjacking
Möglicherweise, hoffentlich, droht #Pratasevich nicht die Todesstrafe. Das macht das alles nicht besser.
Wie immer: Guckt genau hin.
Der Thread stellt auch klar, dass noch immer unklar ist, ob es eine Bombendrohung an Bord gab oder die Piloten lediglich den Code benutzten. Und dass #Pratasevich anders als berichtet NICHT die Todesstrafe droht (was an der verheerenden Situation etwas, aber wenig ändert).