So, after rewriting someone's TV series (to be filmed next year), we had a meeting with the Director to discuss the (massive) changes, and to go over any potentially challenging plot points.
Basically, every single change I made was accepted with almost no mods, incl major ones like making the protagonist female, changing' where the show is set, & even some serious set design suggestions, and the FOLLOWING show may well be one of mine...!
#MindBlown #Screenplay #PreProduction
#mindblown #screenplay #PreProduction
Excited to be back in #PreProduction for a #Documentary with #SociaIIyOrganic
#WorkingTitle #DoYouCare? #ProducerLife #SilenceIsComplicity #AdultSocialCare #StoryTime
Big thank you to all that have been so supportive with the birth of this project, you know who you are 🙏🏻
#PreProduction #documentary #SociaIIyOrganic #WorkingTitle #DoYouCare #producerlife #SilenceIsComplicity #adultsocialcare #storytime