People with relevant experience, potential opinions, and/or followers therewith: @rrrichardzach, @UlrikeHahn, @consequently, @colin, @RanaldClouston, @CubeRootOfTrue, @Inquiry
Relevant topics: #CriticalThinking #edu #higherEd #teaching #learning #research #preregistration #writing #argumentMapping #visualization
#criticalthinking #edu #highered #teaching #learning #research #PreRegistration #writing #argumentmapping #visualization
I've put together a Word document with all the fields to be filled out in the #OSF #preregistration template. Our lab uses this document to plan our preregistrations. This allows us to collaborate online, suggest changes, comment, and see version history (the OSF webpage does not like simultaneous users).
Feel free to use, share and feedback!
#ReproducibiliTea #OpenScienceFramework #OpenScience
#OpenScience #openscienceframework #reproducibilitea #reproducibility #PreRegistration #osf
Just when you think you are all ready for data collection 🙌🏻 all excited to submit finished and polished #preregistration 📄 and all set with research assistants training 👩🏼🏫 the critical experiment software in the lab breaks down in the most mysterious of ways. And on a Friday! The universe could have been kinder #MurphysLaw
The call for submissions for the Open #Research #Award 2023 is open until 30 September.
@universityofgroningen staff and students can apply. Three winners will be randomly drawn to win 500 EUR each🏆.
Need inspiration for your submission? We compiled a couple of case studies examples:
#openresearch #openscience #openeducation #opendata #openaccess #FAIRdata #citizenscience #preregistration #openpeerreview #lottery
#research #award #openresearch #openscience #openeducation #opendata #openaccess #fairdata #citizenscience #PreRegistration #OpenPeerReview #lottery
@ThreeSigma Great point - here #preregistration means registering hypotheses, methods and/or data analyses before data collection is underway for any research project (to limit researchers’ degrees of freedom and increase transparency of what was planned beforehand and what was decided underway). Here some more information from @osframework
On the occasion of CERN-NASA summit on accelerating adoption of #OpenScience we were wondering about preregistration practice in physics/astrophysics - we couldn’t really find any preregistrations from that discipline and no journals from that field seem to have #RegisteredReports.
If it’s very uncommon - is that because it’s not a very useful tool in that field? Or it’s common but we are just not looking in the right place?
#PreRegistration #astrophysics #physics #nasa #cern #RegisteredReports #OpenScience
Do you know your #HorizonEU requirements? (7/8) TRUE or FALSE - "In the grant proposal, not addressing the other recommended #OpenScience practices (e.g. #CitizenScience, #preregistration) will have a negative impact on your score" ?? @openaire_eu webinar -
#HorizonEU #openscience #citizenscience #PreRegistration
New Critical Metascience blog post:
"What's special about metascience? Comments on Romero (2023)”
#sts #PreRegistration #criticalmetascience #philsci #philosophyofscience #metascience #OpenScience #science
New Critical Metascience blog post:
"The preregistration prescriptiveness trade-off and unknown unknowns in science: Comments on Van Drimmelen (2023)”
#PreRegistration #criticalmetascience #metascience2023 #OpenScience #science
Interesting new article in the Journal of Trial and Error proposes that we establish core preregistration criteria (i.e., a minimum amount of information required to consider a preregistration complete) and only award preregistered badges only to articles that meet those criteria.
🦣 Author: @drcpennington
Open access:
#PreRegistration #ScienceOfScience #sociologyofscience #replicationcrisis #metaresearch #metascience #OpenScience
A narrow definition of “research quality”
"[Preregistration, computational reproducibility of analyses, and replication studies] are all methodological procedures which have been developed from a narrow perspective of positivist epistemology, quantitative methodology, and a-priori confirmatory hypothesis testing.”
#PreRegistration #ScienceOfScience #sociologyofscience #replicationcrisis #metaresearch #metascience #OpenScience
Beyond #rationality?
#RationalChoice #BoundedRationality
#science #research #publishing #publicationbias #preregistration
#PreRegistration #publicationbias #publishing #research #science #BoundedRationality #rationalchoice #rationality
Are you attending #teap2023 and still not sure what to do tonight? Join us for the #preregistration Fuck Up Night, where we will talk about our preregistration experiences and fails in a relaxed and confidential atmosphere, starting at 9PM! More info here:
New survey of 289 psychology researchers finds that study planning is reported to be the greatest benefit of preregistration.
#PreRegistration #metaresearch #metascience #OpenScience #psychology #science
RT @Bf3R_centre
At the Joint meeting of the @bfren and the Ethological Society (@EthoGes):
@CelineHeinl (@Bf3R_centre) will present
#Preregistration in #animalresearch – #Animalwelfare and scientific progress
Check out the program for more exciting presentations:
#PreRegistration #animalresearch #AnimalWelfare
New discussion of preregistration argues for “three different categories of accepted papers:
(i) non-preregistered (confirmatory or exploratory) research,
(ii) preregistered, confirmatory research and
(iii) non-preregistered research marked explicitly as exploratory."
Open access:
Mastodonian authors: @dh
#PreRegistration #sts #ScienceOfScience #sociologyofscience #replicationcrisis #metaresearch #metascience #OpenScience
RT @nielsmede
Interested in #OpenScience and #Reproducibility? On Feb 9, it’s Reproducibility Day 2023 at @UZH_en! 🔬
Come to hear @eggersnsf’s keynote and participate in workshops on #replication #preregistration etc by @furrer_ebpi @HeldLeonhard and others 🙌
#PreRegistration #replication #reproducibility #OpenScience
RT @nielsmede
Interested in #OpenScience and #Reproducibility? On Feb 9, it’s Reproducibility Day 2023 at @UZH_en! 🔬
Come to hear @eggersnsf’s keynote and participate in workshops on #replication #preregistration etc by @furrer_ebpi @HeldLeonhard and others 🙌
#PreRegistration #replication #reproducibility #OpenScience
In lecture 1, @chatchavan will talk about planning studies and #preregistration, #FAIR sharing research materials, and making decisions on statistical procedures.
There will be many pointers to practical tools, checklists, and tutorials!
The process of #preregistering my #dissertation is forcing me to think about #studydesign more than I normally have to. My field, #languagevaration in #sociolinguistics, leans very heavily on #crosssectional #observational studies, which makes sense seeing as we're not looking at things like medical conditions that may or may not be present. However, I couldn't even remember the name of this study design in order to describe it for the #preregistration as a result.
#preregistering #dissertation #studydesign #languagevaration #sociolinguistics #crosssectional #observational #PreRegistration #openscience #linguistics