lanciata il mio primo nodo #presearch. inizia anche te ad usare il motore di ricerca decentralizzato che non vende i tuoi dati
ok ho chiesto se era possibile e come tradurre #Presearch in italiano e la risposta è stata questa
"And what exactly you would like to translate? Base of is already translated for users. Depends on browser if it shares or not any language preference" e diciamo che la risposta è stata freddina , in ogni caso, qualcuno a idea di come si faccia ?
E' possibile usare il motore di ricerca decentralizzato presearch insieme al motore libero librex, ecco come:
Se non siete ancora iscritti a #presearch potete farlo da qui: (donerete 25PRE ai devol usandolo)
nei settaggi dei provider:
cliccare su "Add new provider" e aggiungere questo URL:
e scegliere l'icona.
in questo modo se il risultato di presearch non vi aiuta con un click farete la stessa ricerca su #librex
@L_Alberto per donare ai #devol via presearch basta creare un account da questo link:
se dopo almeno un mese di utilizzo raggiungi i 50PRE (ti danno 0.1PRE a ricerca= 500 ricerche) invieranno 25PRE a noi.
Sono più o meno 1€, quindi microdonazioni, ma #presearch merita di essere provato, è forse il miglior motore di ricerca fra quelli più rispettosi della privacy.
Puoi accumulare PRE sia da desktop che da smartphone, devi però controllare di essere sempre loggato.
Grazie a tutti quelli che stanno usando il motore di ricerca presearch, abbiamo superato i 1000 PRE🙏
Presearch è un motore di ricerca etico e decentralizzato, è composto da oltre 70.000 piccoli nodi indipendenti gestiti da volontari!
#Presearch dona ai nodi e a chi fa le ricerche dei PRE per ogni ricerca effettuata, e se ci si iscrive da qui:
potrete donare 25 PRE ai devol nella massima privacy.
I risultati delle ricerche sono ottime, superiori a Brave e DuckDuckGo.
@Pattyagray @Badscrew You might also be interested in this, I maintain a fairly extensive list of current options:
Other promising ones include #Kagi, #Presearch, and #Brave Search.
Can I just say #crypto #taxes are a nightmare in the US. For example, say you use #presearch and earn a few pre tokens throughout the year...if I'm understanding correctly the #IRS wants a detailed record of every transaction even though they are probably worth $0.01/ea.
Think also of #Blockchain games, folks earn little portions of tokens for various actions - it's essentially #microtransactions
#crypto #taxes #PreSearch #IRS #blockchain #microtransactions
#Mastodon è stata per me la porta sul #Fediverso e la filosofia della decentralizzazione (una filosofia, direi, dell'avvenire, in senso nietzscheano). Nel giro di pochi mesi eccomi qui a usare (rigorosamente alla meno peggio) #Brave, #Presearch, #Proton, #Cinnamon ecc. Sono grato ai @devol per questa crescita culturale e vorrei dire, che per quanto importanti e necessari, nessun #caffè potrà saldare il debito virtuoso della fiamma della consapevolezza. GRAZIE.
#mastodon #fediverso #brave #PreSearch #proton #cinnamon #caffe
@teleclimber But if #presearch open sources their code, I'd totally want to look at doing that down the road!
I also think a federated approach could be quite interesting. Imagine each country having a search engine, each state, each county, etc. As well as vertical search engines for all sorts of topics and search results!
1/ @teleclimber I agree that there is a large risk of a company abandoning it's idealistic principles over time or of being acquired and having it's principles trampled into the ground almost instantaneously. I also agree we need to minimize the risk of this occurring.
I've attempted to minimize this risk through being thoroughly open - e.g., data, algorithms, code - so that individuals could fork the engine for fun or profit.
I think #presearch is doing a good job of creating a distributed
Ora aqui está a maior consequência para todos nós que, ainda que indirectamente, utilizamos ou somos forçados, a utilizar o Bing, por causa da estória do #ChatGPT. É urgente apostar na descentralização da pesquisa na Internet, para soluções como o #Presearch , Ecosia. Serviços mais privados como o DuckDuckGo ou Swisscows estão em perigo.
@tprice504 me! Have been using #Presearch for a long time (sometimes I allow it to search by pulling data from Google and Bing, but not that frequently, and haven't done it since their AI/LLM announcements).
With all that is going on with #Google and #Microsoft thinking #LLM and #AI are the solution (to a problem nobody had), now is the best time to change your searching habits and help a decentralized search engine, #Presearch (you can still use Google and #Bing through it). Use my referal and help the search alternatives grow (there's a plethora of options to chose from in Presearch).
#google #microsoft #LLM #ai #PreSearch #bing
Really liking the #Presearch search engine surfaced by @davidshq : Decentralizaed and anonymous. Thinking about starting up a node.
There is a Chrome extension to make Presearch your default search engine but it's not working on my #Chromebook (yet) in either the native browser or the Lacros version.
4/ #Presearch theoretically has the #OpenSource advantage but the code at the moment is still closed so this is sort of double-edged as well. They've been around for a number of years with the promise of #oss but without fulfilment.
They also offer enhanced privacy over Google - but so do any number of other competitors - e.g. #DuckDuckGo and #BraveSearch.
Still, credit where credit is due - I'd rather use #Presearch (or #BraveSearch) over #Bing as my daily driver - which is saying something!
#PreSearch #opensource #oss #duckduckgo #bravesearch #bing
3/It is nigh impossible to create a #SearchEngine that can beat #Google at a game it has been perfecting for many years.
#Presearch has the peer #distributed architecture in it's favor, but this isn't something that appeals to nontechnical audiences.
They also have the #crypto angle, but this is a double-edged sword at the moment.
Alongside the crypto angle is the "get paid to search" angle, but (imho) the revenue generated from querying is quite low, not enough to keep folks using presearch.
#searchengine #google #PreSearch #distributed #crypto
1/ #presearch is a pretty nifty #SearchEngine. For a number of years things seemed to be languishing but in 2022 they really kicked butt. You can read their retrospective here:
Their biggest innovation is a distributed search nodes. Anyone can run one (I do) and search queries manage to remain snappy (in my experience, distributed engines I've used in the past have been slow).
They've also managed to return high quality results - like Google-level for general queries.
Bem a propósito, experimentem o #Presearch, permite até pesquisar dentro de vários motores de busca comerciais sem revelar/partilhar os vossos dados
@resmo I've been impressed by what #presearch has accomplished with creating a smooth and reliable #distributed engine and run a node w/them myself. But they aren't #opensource (though apparently it is somewhere in the roadmap).
#PreSearch #distributed #opensource