#Polestar has told me they are bringing the #Precept to #Madrid only for 3 days.
I won't be able to go. For the opening of the new Polestar Space Madrid you'll be able to enjoy the pinacle of #electricvehicle Design.
Who could send me an amazing Photo of this beautiful #EV?
#polestar #Precept #madrid #electricvehicle #ev
#Polestar me dice que el #Precept se queda solo 3 días en Madrid.
Lo han traído desde Suecia para la apertura del nuevo Polestar Space de Madrid.
No voy a poder asistir ¿Quién me manda una fotaza del pináculo del diseño de #vehiculoselectricos ?
#polestar #Precept #vehiculoselectricos
Sometimes showing up for others means accepting that maybe some can't do the same, or at least not to the same extent. If they actually can and don't, #ShameOnThem, but that's #NotMyBusiness, right? I can lead by example, and hope they follow.
I hope I come to have the grace to live by this #Precept more than I do now, and I hope to have the #Wisdom to decide when not to.
There's a fine line between #MindingMyOwnBusiness and #Complicity. I'll do my best to do my best about it.
#shameonthem #notmybusiness #Precept #wisdom #mindingmyownbusiness #complicity #thoughts