wraptile · @wraptile
141 followers · 323 posts · Server fosstodon.org

is a such a satisfying theory for how our brains works and my latest obsession.

Basically, our brain model lives in the future and sends predictions to our sensory organs and receive corrections instead of raw sensory data.

This explains why surprises are so satisfying (model gets to train itself) and exhausting (it takes energy to train).
Also maybe we can steer our model conciously to have a healthier lives.
suddenly makes more sense.

#PredictiveProcessing #neurological #spiritual #optimism

Last updated 1 year ago

📢 Neue Episode des !

Im Gespräch mit Prof. Philipp Sterzer über , und wie uns dabei helfen kann, das alles zu begreifen.

Hört rein:
🎞️ youtu.be/ZsoZlEswsag

#PredictiveProcessing #irrationalitat #rationalitat #podcast #KritischesDenken

Last updated 1 year ago

Der Philosoph Prof. Tobias Schlicht im Kritisches Denken :

Predictive Processing als ökonomische Arbeitsweise des Gehirns.


#criticalthinking #KritischesDenken #PredictiveProcessing #bewusstsein #podcast

Last updated 1 year ago

Die nächste Episode vom geht in die Postproduktion.
Wir haben mit dem Philosophen Tobias Schlicht von der Ruhr-Universität Bochum über und gesprochen.

Stay tuned!

#bewusstsein #PredictiveProcessing #podcast #KritischesDenken

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Emma Kate Ward · @emma_cogdev
271 followers · 26 posts · Server fediscience.org

Hey people, do you have any tips on who is currently studying how and when the precision of the prediction error is calculated? My focus is perception and learning but I'm happy to hear about papers from other related fields.

Thanks so much for any pointers!!


Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Emma Kate Ward · @emma_cogdev
271 followers · 26 posts · Server fediscience.org

Hey people, do you have any tips on who is currently studying how and when the precision of the prediction error is calculated? My focus is and but I'm happy to hear about papers from other related fields.

Thanks so much for any pointers!!

#learning #perception #PredictiveProcessing

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohan John · @DrYohanJohn
434 followers · 114 posts · Server fediscience.org

I was exposed to the importance of interaction between top-down and bottom-up neural/cognitive processes early on (I did my PhD in the department Steve Grossberg started), so I am slightly amused and baffled by the hype surrounding and/or .

It suggests that David Hume's idea that all knowledge comes from the outside world has had way too long a half-life in biology.


#philosophy #neuroscience #activeinference #PredictiveProcessing

Last updated 2 years ago