Salt is hard to find in stores in South Korea right now. People are worried about Japan's upcoming release of irradiated water from Fukushima.
I hate to say it but I'm feeling a bit paranoid myself about this. Might be a good time to stock up on seaweed products, etc. to avoid buying them for a while.
In the house for testing: @UgreenOfficial PowerRoam 1200: 1200W & 1024Wh battery. (I'm trying with portable solar panels, too). My interest is high with 3 no-power days in March. $200 discount right now, plus $50 more with coupon 05UG1200 through May 21.
#battery #prepper
WTF #Facebook? I must still have some #RWNJ #FacebookFriends for this #GasMask ad to show up in my feed. It’s not like they are trying to encourage Nazis to prepare for violence. I later saw a #Prepper ad for emergency food. The people they are targeting ads at are the people that wouldn’t wear a mask to protect themselves and others from COVID, but Facebook is okay with ads to help people murder others.
#Prepper #gasmask #facebookfriends #rwnj #Facebook
@professorkiosk Oh, they're Alexa, that's Amazon, right?
Was thinking just now about how/why Instagram suggested I follow my #prepper x Q BIL. I have zero posts, he doesn't follow me and has only 4 posts in 4 years himself. GPS?
Even apocalyptic preppers should get solar panels installed.
If there's an apocalypse, you don't have to pay off the loan! Free electricity!
#Prepper #ClimateChange #solar
#Terrorismus - Razzia in Bayern: Sabotage an Strommasten und Umsturz geplant,TWbn2j9
#bayern #Prepper #reichsburger #rechtsextremismus #terrorismus
Navigating the Risks of Downed Power Lines in Wild Weather: San Francisco Fire Dept Offers Safety Tips
#atmosphericriver #prepper
Has anyone in my #Fediverse sphere purchased an #EcoFlow #solar generator?
I’m going to get a DeltaMax bc they are on sale until about 12/24/22. I’ve had other brands.
But just interested in how people are using them.
If you’re in regions w/ shaky electrical #PowerGrids (#Texas #Florida #rural), I recommend you get one (even if you live in an apt.)
They’re portable, expandable & easy to use. You can start off w/ a basic unit, later add solar, batteries.
#Prepper #rural #Florida #Texas #powergrids #solar #EcoFlow #Fediverse
Has anyone in my #Fediverse sphere purchased an #EcoFlow #solar generator?
I’m going to get a DeltaMax bc they are on sale until about 12/24/22. I’ve had other brands.
But just interested in how people are using them.
If you’re in regions w/ shaky electrical #PowerGrids (#Texas #Florida #rural), I recommend you get one (even if you live in an apt.)
They’re portable, expandable & easy to use. You can start off w/ a basic unit, later add solar, batteries.
#Prepper #rural #Florida #Texas #powergrids #solar #EcoFlow #Fediverse
Is "Barry a 'prepper'" or is Barry just an ordinary hoarder? @SkyNews_UK #skynews #prepper #hoarder -- #wevemovedontobritishnewschannels #trashtvsunday
#trashtvsunday #wevemovedontobritishnewschannels #hoarder #Prepper #skynews
@sophieluettich Um durch die Urwälder und Steppen Brandenburgs zu flüchten, wenn endlich der Tag X kommt #prepper #blackout #vorsorge #zombiekalypse
#Prepper #blackout #vorsorge #zombiekalypse
Be prepared for the zombie apocalypse
...or just power outages in Washington and Oregon 💡 first North Carolina, then we learn about attacks on power substations in the Pacific Northwest. #prepper #prepping
Be prepared for the zombie apocalypse...or just power outages in Washington and Oregon 💡 first North Carolina, then we learn about attacks of power substations on the Pacific Northwest. #prepper #prepping
#Accomplishments this past week:
✅ Thanksgiving, good, no drama
✅ Xmas decor up
✅ Got into a #cyberpunkred random group
✅ Also set up my character (and 2 alts)
✅ Did some #homebrew writing
✅ Enjoyed and relaxed 6 days off from work
✅ Deleted #birdapp from Homescreen for mental health reasons
✅ Found a new #actualplay to follow/watch
✅ Pet multiple #dogs
✅ Reached out to people to see how they're doing
✅ Successfully added to my #prepper stash for emergencies
#homebrew #birdapp #actualplay #dogs #Prepper #accomplishments #CyberpunkRED
1. smallest culture (# of adherents) is Conservative Egalitarian #Jewish within that I'm a rarity in that I'm not a Zionist and I don't do work (especially not paid work)on the Saturday sabbath.
2. #prepper -it's the one I'm newest to in some ways and yet it's the most comfortable one now, in part because it's relatively flexible.
3. lifelong (political/rights)#activist culture, I don't think I've ever gone a whole 3 months without at least signing a petition since my 7th birthday. This is sadly in many ways almost diametrically opposite my religious one, as most work I've seen, especially on in person events over the past decade, has been done on Saturdays, so I've refused most of that, as the hypocrisy element is too much.
4. #disabled/disability culture -which is really one to most others& yet within it - it's got many subgroups, most divisions not even being between disabilities but economic and family circumstances. My subgroup being among the most isolated set/subgroup,we almost solely communicate and socialize with each other online.
5. #Autistic - it is a disability for some & others not- for me it's really not,it's more than anything else how I communicate & that's often why even across many other barriers/ differences, it is mostly other autistic people
#jewish #Prepper #disabled #autistic
Disaster condos. Fascinating.
$2.4 million for a unit, CASH ONLY. via #twitter
You gotta see this video from #60Minutes.
The underground complex is protected by armed guards.
When #Covid19 hit, the rich owners all came to this underground bunker.
#Housing #Prepper #Architecture
#architecture #Prepper #housing #COVID19 #60minutes #Twitter
I bought toilet paper yesterday. I guess I am a #prepper now. #SarcasmButOnlyHalf