Victoria Wood is from the neighbouring area of #Prestwich and this is one of her most popular songs.
So having done a bit of rooting around I can see here that people introduce themselves with some of their interests so hashtags show up to like-minded people. So here's a list in no particular order
#cycling #bikes #bicycle
#blackburn #rovers #brfc
#labrador #dogs
#manchester #prestwich
#politics #labour
#gamer #xbox
#80s #90s
#cycling #bikes #bicycle #Blackburn #Rovers #BRFC #labrador #dogs #manchester #Prestwich #politics #Labour #gamer #xbox #apple #80s #90s
Weekend starting with a #beer.
This is Cashmere from Brewsmith Brewery just outside Greater Manchester.
Good punchy, bitter hops on this pint.
This is my local bottle shop and tap in #Prestwich, nice range of cams and bottles for takeouts, and a small but well curated range of draught.