Pre-dinner Imperial Pumpkin Ale in the aromatic ale glass from #PretentiousGlassCo with the little glass mountain... wait for it. (Another photo when I finish!)
Pumpkin stout in the #PretentiousGlassCo stout glass. With a nitro beer or particularly heady beer, the bubbles will collect on each layer. Not today, but I'll keep trying! #BeerTooter #Elysian
#PretentiousGlassCo #beertooter #elysian
Last night's #Beer choice, Elsyian's Great Pumpkin Imperial Pumpkin Ale (my kind of IPA). Enjoyed in an imperial glass from #PretentiousGlassCo - I've done A/B comparisons and this glass improves the experience compared to pint glasses. A bit cloudy for a pumpkin ale, but very good overall. Pumpkin up front with very little aftertaste.