Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. 22 years of our country adhered to the Antarctic Treaty. Protection and Management. 南極的科學研究. Nehemiah 9: 6. ✍️ 📖 🇻🇪 Editor-Graduate-DM-UNEFA 🎓 P.B.G. 2004 💂 Carlos Armando Sanchez Lopez.
#AlmightyCreatorGod #PreventionOfMarinePollution #ConservationOfAntarcticFaunaAndFlora #VenezuelaNationProtectedByGod
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. 22 years of our country adhered to the Antarctic Treaty. Protection and Management. 南極的科學研究. Nehemiah 9: 6. ✍️ 📖 🇻🇪 Editor-Graduate-DM-UNEFA 🎓 P.B.G. 2004 💂 Carlos Armando Sanchez Lopez.
#AlmightyCreatorGod #PreventionOfMarinePollution #ConservationOfAntarcticFaunaAndFlora #VenezuelaNationProtectedByGod