Dr Bron Eager · @bron
211 followers · 146 posts · Server aus.social

Hello STEM Teachers,

Classroom Activity Videos - Hot off the press!!!

40 x STEM activity videos, each mapped to the Australian/Vic curriculum.

They are seriously cute! Very entertaining! And presented by two talented teachers.

Check them out 👉youtube.com/@PrimaryAndSTEM

All FREE. Part of a Swinburne Uni and Invergowrie Foundation STEM project initiative.

Each video has a detailed lesson plan (available at primaryandstem.online - under the 'Resources' menu)

It's been fun to be part of this project - to bring the lesson plan pdf resources to life, and build out the website :) The videos are filmed by my talented friend - DM me if you need talented videography for your education projects :)

#stem #stemed #teacher #primaryschool #teachereducation #stemlearning #stemeducationforkids #education #PrimaryEducation #Teachertraining

Last updated 2 years ago