Prince is staring at me. And yes, I know I need to clean up.
#prince #kater #katze #cat #gato #gatto #η« #π #π± #britishlonghair #catsofmastodon #caturday
#Prince #kater #katze #cat #gato #gatto #η« #britishlonghair #catsofmastodon #caturday
#prince #kater #katze #cat #gato #gatto #η« #π #π± #britishlonghair #caturday #catsofmastodon
#Prince #kater #katze #cat #gato #gatto #η« #britishlonghair #caturday #catsofmastodon
The Prince is in his 'nip den again.
#prince #kater #katze #cat #gato #gatto #η« #π #π± #britishlonghair #caturday #catsofmastodon
#Prince #kater #katze #cat #gato #gatto #η« #britishlonghair #caturday #catsofmastodon
Look what I found here. Only broadcasted live a few hours ago.
*WDR BIG BAND - The Prince Experience*
Liv Warfield / Vocals
Cassandra OΒ΄Neal / Vocals and keyboards
Ricky Peterson / Hammond organ and vocals
Mike Scott / Guitar and vocals
St. Paul Peterson / Bass and vocals
Kirk Johnson / Drums
Luis Ribeiro / Percussion
WDR Big Band
Vince Mendoza / Director and arrangements
#wdrbigband #Music #bigband #live #jazz #Prince
See here for the full 7CD/12LP/1BlueRay track list! That's going to be an unboxing gala! π
#Prince :prn:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :prn:
October 27th!!!
*Diamonds And Pearls | Remastered Super Deluxe Edition*
Two tracks already available:
*Alice Through The Looking Glass*
and ...
*Insatiable (Early Mix - Full Version)*
#prince #kater #katze #cat #gato #gatto #η« #π #π± #britishlonghair #catsofmastodon
#Prince #kater #katze #cat #gato #gatto #η« #britishlonghair #catsofmastodon
Altro pezzone psichedelico che mi ricorda i miei anni di teenager: Sì, ascoltavo metal. Sì, pure il prog. Sì, ero massimalista come tanti teenager quando si attaccano ai loro feticci. Però questo intreccio sonoro mi è sempre piaciuto.
Il caldo mi fa venire in mente quando, nell'estate di tanti anni fa, ascoltavo questo pezzo A NASTRO, con dei suoni _stellari_.
Prince hat keinen Bock auf Fotos
#weltkatzentag #internationalcatday #prince #kater #katze #cat #gato #gatto #η« #π #π± #britishlonghair
#weltkatzentag #internationalcatday #Prince #kater #katze #cat #gato #gatto #η« #britishlonghair
Trombone Shorty with Mavis Staples & Robert Randolph / Saturday July 29 / Hayden Homes Amphitheater, Bend, OR
#LetsGoCrazy #TromboneShorty #MavisStaples #Prince
/ via @melaniebrenda + DownWithGin
#letsgocrazy #tromboneshorty #mavisstaples #Prince