Contraddizione sul moto inerziale in meccanica classica. Scoperto un errore nella traduzione della Prima Legge di Newton dopo quasi 300 anni. Una nuova interpretazione degli scritti di Isaac Newton chiarisce cosa intendesse il padre della meccanica classica con la sua prima legge del moto:..
#dinamica #inerzia
#IsaacNewton #leggedelmoto #leggidiNewton #meccanicaclassica #meccanicaquantistica #PhilosophiaeNaturalis #PrincipiaMathematica #reazione
#dinamica #inerzia #isaacnewton #leggedelmoto #leggidinewton #meccanicaclassica #meccanicaquantistica #philosophiaenaturalis #PrincipiaMathematica #reazione
Today in a second hand bookshop I've seen the three volume set of #Russell & #Whitehead #PrincipiaMathematica. I barely leafed through them, pages and pages of Peano-like notation with English remarks once in a while. Nice hard cover books but 300 € is too much for my pocket...
#PrincipiaMathematica #whitehead #russell
note that if you *really* want to go down the recreation of math rabbit hole read all three volumes of the #PrincipiaMathematica by #Russell and #Whitehead (which #Gödel didn't ruin *at all* with his #IncompletenessTheorem 😅)
#PrincipiaMathematica #russell #whitehead #gödel #IncompletenessTheorem
> Lisp usually prefers expressive names over terse Greek letters, but lambda is an exception. A better name would be make-function. #Lambda derives from the notation in #Russell and #Whitehead's #PrincipiaMathematica, which used a caret over bound variables.. Church wanted a one-dimensional string, so he moved the caret in front.. The caret looked funny with nothing below it, so..
#PeterNorvig #Lisp #ParadigmsOfArtificialIntelligence #Scheme #Gauche #山下伸夫 #川合史郎
#川合史郎 #山下伸夫 #gauche #scheme #ParadigmsOfArtificialIntelligence #lisp #PeterNorvig #PrincipiaMathematica #whitehead #russell #lambda
> The immediate reaction of human nature to the religious vision is #worship.. It is the one element in human experience which persistently shows an upward trend. It fades and then recurs.
#AlfredNorthWhitehead wrote or #religion in the book #ScienceAndTheModernWorld. The #ReligionAndScience chapter is in the collecion of essays #TowardLiberalEducation. The essay keeps coming to mind along with writings by #BertrandRussel (#Icarus and #Science as #PowerOver). They wrote #PrincipiaMathematica..
#PrincipiaMathematica #PowerOver #science #icarus #bertrandrussel #TowardLiberalEducation #ReligionAndScience #ScienceAndTheModernWorld #religion #AlfredNorthWhitehead #worship
Uhm... no.
Constants are _defined_.
Just as an example, (since @p2hang mentioned this book), attached you can read an extract from page 36 of #PrincipiaMathematica¹ where the number one is _defined_.
Mathematicians define mathematical constants all the time as they need them in their theorems.
It has nothing to do with their "size" (what is a "huge number" btw? huge compared to what?) and all to do with notational convenience.
As notations they are communication tools (just like the rest of Mathematics, to be fair²) and their usefulness depends on their arbitrary meaning, the information they convey.
So if you want to distribute a software you do not have the right to distribute, all you have to do is to express it as a (somewhat interesting) number and you are fine.
Here a constructive proof of this (quite obvious fact):
Then sure, some constants can be expressed in several ways and you need to prove that each of them are equivalent.
That's the case of Pi's decimal expression, for example.
But confusing the process of defining constants and the process of expressing their value in a particular form shows that you do NOT understands mathematics at all.