An attorney on the #Twitter #privacyteam wrote on a public Slack page viewable to all staff “Elon has shown that his only priority with Twitter users is how to #monetize them. I do not believe he cares about the #humanrights activists, the #dissidents, our users in un-monetizable regions, and all the other users who have made Twitter the global town square you have all spent so long building and we all love.”
#dissidents #humanrights #monetize #PrivacyTeam #twitter
At #Bunnings Warehouse we value your… oh piss off, we send all your data to #Cloudflare.
…and don't contact our "#PrivacyTeam" to have your data removed from our system. Not only will we abuse you. We won't remove your data because "your data belongs to you" so "we" can't remove it from #ourServers.
#yourDataBelongsToYou #abuseOfProcess #language #semantics #doublespeak #Orwellian #1984world #privacy #MITMAttack #MITMaaS #unethical #australia #bunningsWarehouse
#Bunnings #cloudflare #PrivacyTeam #ourServers #yourDataBelongsToYou #abuseOfProcess #language #semantics #DoubleSpeak #orwellian #1984world #privacy #MITMAttack #MitMAAS #unethical #australia #bunningsWarehouse