The idea of a school is, to turn a wild child into emotionless . Deprived from our emotions, we execute like robots democratic procedures and compensate the missing thing in us with consume, consume, consume and some esoterics.

There helps no , no niceness, no good intention. A child is neither naturally violent, nor is a teenager naturally rebellious. A child task is to learn not just about possession or property but exclusive . A teenagers task is to cope with competition.

That makes it impossible for teachers to keep kids save, because the readily emptied skull of pure reason is ready to exercise or even become an activist, while without the necessary survival funding can easily turn racist, antisemitic, sexist and/or homophobe.

And there are even songs about it,

#teacher #reason #criticalpedagogics #PrivateProperty #lgbtq #democracy #madsen

Last updated 1 year ago

is the natural genesis of a based in which is the only and exclusive way of possession.

In such a society, those who are not greedy, naturally loose. If I am not greedy, s.o. else will be for me and takes what could have be mine. (Independent if I need it or not)

Greed is not just a matter for the rich, but in particular for the poor, because for them greed becomes a matter of survival. Why not take all bread if I can, even though I leave others starving?

(Even in case of redistribution btw.; it is still a difference, if I get a share, compared to a donation or present, because the latter leads to informal debts)

State property is the opposite side of the same coin. Neither do I posses a police car, or a part of it, nor I am involved in decision making about it.

Both forms of property can be best described as the exclusion of everyone by everyone.

If any movement wants to succeed, it has to break up this stiff hegemonic categories.

Unfortunately (for the moment), I don't see a way, how private property could exist along with community based property, because of its hegemonic (competition based) character.

#greed #competition #society #PrivateProperty #ClimateChange

Last updated 1 year ago

HeavenlyPossum · @HeavenlyPossum
2697 followers · 4296 posts · Server

I came across a first-hand account of somehow who escaped the fire in and she noted that many roads out of town were privately owned by sugar plantations and were chained shut.

She says people died in their cars trying to escape.

These people were murdered by .

All of those sugar plantations were enclosed by the Hawaiian monarchy and sold off to American colonists, who in turn overthrew the monarchy and cemented their control of the islands and their lands.

Dying because of a chained gate on land that was stolen from the Hawaiian people is as surely murder as if they’d been pushed into the flames.

#lahaina #PrivateProperty

Last updated 1 year ago

RD · @RD4Anarchy
243 followers · 1863 posts · Server
RD · @RD4Anarchy
199 followers · 1500 posts · Server

@KatLS @breadandcircuses

I think Capital is well-served by us thinking that greed is the problem. This is 101: blame everything on human nature, claim that people need authorities to control them and blame heinous atrocities on us forcing them to do bad things for our own good.

All this distracts from the reality that Capital is *power* and that capitalism was *forced* on us all by a tiny minority of people with power. It did not just "evolve" from our collective actions. It is not some neutral system that has been ruined by greedy individuals.

It is important for people to understand the real evils deeper at the heart of capitalism:

"It took 10,000 years of violent aggression to force almost everybody around the world into the position where they have to follow a boss’s orders to get access to resources essential for survival. It took only a few generations to convince most people that this situation was natural and inevitable. That false lesson needs to be unlearned."

Karl Widerquist and Grant S. McCall "The Prehistory of Private Property"

#capitalism #state #PrivateProperty #enclosure #patriarchy #colonialism #whitesupremacy #debt

Last updated 1 year ago

RD · @RD4Anarchy
199 followers · 1500 posts · Server


I don't have a plan to fix it (by which I mean "the system" )
I want to be rid of it and the institutions it was built on:

Progressivism is a moat around capitalism, not a bridge out of it. As a student of anarchist principles I don't see the answer being in giving anyone power, progressives or otherwise. Quite the opposite.

But I can't say that I am hopeful of this happening in an intentional way. Hope I'm wrong.

@Miro_Collas @JamiJR @mathdenton @lizlovesmusic @karawynn @Clouddweller

#capitalism #state #patriarchy #colonialism #whitesupremacy #PrivateProperty

Last updated 1 year ago

Adrian Riskin · @AdrianRiskin
142 followers · 1276 posts · Server

Robbery is theft with threats of violence, but it's not possible to sneak away in secret with land. Without violence there's no private property. Property isn't theft, it's armed robbery with the police as the weapon.

#anarchism #anarchy #capitalism #propertyistheft #PrivateProperty #Property

Last updated 1 year ago

RD · @RD4Anarchy
179 followers · 1327 posts · Server
Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
905 followers · 173 posts · Server

Now ask yourself:
What is the root in @rbreich ???


When you gonna do a on that problem ?

#money #politics #PrivateProperty #post #rich #bitch

Last updated 1 year ago

RD · @RD4Anarchy
164 followers · 1037 posts · Server

from the Blair Fix article "Can the World Get Along Without Natural Resources?"

...Locke’s ‘theory’ of property... [is] not a ‘theory’ at all — it’s a morale treatise. According to Locke, we *ought* to own what we produce. But that doesn’t mean that we *do*.

To see the consequences of this mistake, we need an actual scientific theory of property rights — a theory that explains why property exists, not why it ‘ought’ to exist. The most convincing theory of private property, in my opinion, comes from the work of Jonathan Nitzan and Shimshon Bichler. To understand property, Nitzan and Bichler argue that we should turn Locke’s idea on its head. Property isn’t a ‘natural right’. It’s an act of *power*.

Property, Nitzan and Bichler observe, is an act of exclusion. If I own something, that means that I have the right to exclude others from using it. It’s this exclusionary power that defines private property. Here are Nitzan and Bichler describing this act:

"The most important feature of private ownership is not that it enables those who own, but that it disables those who do not. Technically, anyone can get into someone else’s car and drive away, or give an order to sell all of Warren Buffet’s shares in Berkshire Hathaway. The sole purpose of private ownership is to prevent us from doing so. In this sense, private ownership is wholly and only an institution of exclusion, and institutional exclusion is a matter of organized power."

When we think like Nitzan and Bichler, we get a very different view of income. Recall that most political economists see property in terms of the ‘things’ that are owned. They then argue that income stems from these ‘things’. Nitzan and Bichler upend this logic. Property, they argue, is about the *act* of ownership — the institutional act of exclusion. Income stems from this exclusionary act. We earn income from the *fence* of property rights, not from what’s inside the fence. In other words, if you can’t restrict access to your property, you can’t earn income from it.

#capitalism #PrivateProperty

Last updated 1 year ago

RD · @RD4Anarchy
125 followers · 703 posts · Server


Some candidates:

Note that these terms reveal that the ruination happens much earlier in the process than your scenario seemed to indicate.

#PrivateProperty #intellectualproperty #enclosure #capitalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Bo Jacobs · @bojacobs
884 followers · 695 posts · Server

Private property > violence

"Violence was widespread in early farming society, says new study"

"Violence and warfare were widespread in many Neolithic communities across Northwest Europe, a period associated with the adoption of farming, new research suggests.

Contrary to the view that the Neolithic era was marked by peaceful cooperation, the team of international researchers say that in some regions the period from 6000BCE to 2000BCE may be a high point in conflict and violence with the destruction of entire communities.

The findings also suggest the rise of growing crops and herding animals as a way of life, replacing hunting and gathering, may have laid the foundations for formalized warfare."


#violence #agriculture #neolithic #PrivateProperty #warfare

Last updated 2 years ago

HeavenlyPossum · @HeavenlyPossum
819 followers · 414 posts · Server

In the second of his Two Treatises on Government (1689), notorious slaver and ur-liberal John Locke proposed what has come to be known as “Lockean” property rights.

Locke’s argument, a labor theory of property, was that we own ourselves, so we logically own our labor (lest we become slaves, which is how Locke made his fortune). When we perform labor on otherwise unowned resources, those resources become ours:

“Whatsoever then he removes out of the State that Nature hath provided, and left it in, he hath mixed his Labour with, and joyned to it something that is his own, and thereby makes it his Property. It being by him removed from the common state Nature placed it in, hath by this labour something annexed to it, that excludes the common right of other Men. For this Labour being the unquestionable Property of the Labourer, no man but he can have a right to what that is once joyned to


#locke #lockean #Property #PrivateProperty #heavenlypossumthread

Last updated 2 years ago

HeavenlyPossum · @HeavenlyPossum
806 followers · 390 posts · Server

Property is a social relationship—an agreement about the use and disposition of stuff.

Beyond what you can grasp in your own hands, everything you own is by agreement with other people who could, but don’t, take for themselves the things you’ve claimed.

Wealth is a subset of property, a social relationship of *command.* Wealth is the social ability to command and compel other people to bring you things you want or labor for you at your direction.

If wealth is a relationship of command, then poverty, its inverse, is the state of being subject to command.


#Property #poverty #wealth #capitalism #anticapitalism #propertyrights #PrivateProperty

Last updated 2 years ago

HeavenlyPossum · @HeavenlyPossum
670 followers · 265 posts · Server

Propertarians—neoliberals, “an”caps, and others who work ideologically for the propertied class—imagine that freedom can coexist with private property.

By that latter, I’m specifically talking about private ownership of the means of production, the resources and social processes we use together to materially and socially provision ourselves.

But what if you found yourself completely surrounded—enclosed, if you would, by other peoples’ private property?

Propertarians call this “entrapment” and add a kludge to their logic: if you’re entrapped by someone else’s property, you have a right to an *easement* to transition through their property.

On the other side, most of them* pretend, you’ll find unowned resources you can “homestead” by mixing your labor, transforming it magically into your permanently private property.

There’s a big problem with this idea, though: human beings have been around as a distinct species for probably over 200,000 years and we’ve inhabited most of the planet for tens of thousands of years:

“Even 12,000 y ago, nearly three quarters of Earth’s land was inhabited and therefore shaped by human societies, including more than 95% of temperate and 90% of tropical woodlands.”

There’s no more homesteading unowned land. That ship sailed millennia ago. Private property is utterly incompatible with any meaningful freedom to say no to others. There is no anarchism compatible with capitalism.

#anarchism #capitalism #ancaps #propertarianism #anticapitalism #Property #PrivateProperty #archeology #anthropology

Last updated 2 years ago

HeavenlyPossum · @HeavenlyPossum
545 followers · 154 posts · Server

Let’s imagine some feudal serfs.

They’re told by their lord to pay him a share of their crops each year as rents in exchange for permission to live on and farm his estate—his “property.”

The serfs sustain both their lord and themselves by their own labor, living off whatever product is left over after they paid their rents.

Now let’s imagine feudalism is suddenly abolished and the lord’s manor is converted from feudal to private property. The serfs are suddenly free to do as they please!

But the freed serfs find themselves in a pickle: all of the nearby productive land they could farm is owned by the ex-lord and his ex-lord buddies. “Get off my private property,” he tells the ex-serfs. They are, after all, trespassing on his private property.


#capitalism #anticapitalism #wages #rents #wagelabor #feudalism #capitalistcritique #Property #PrivateProperty #theviolenceinherentinthesystem

Last updated 2 years ago