@sogerald Your instance is apt. ;) Anyway, not a fan of #Grammarly since it is often wrong but I really enjoy #ProWritingAId which integrates nearly everywhere (Word, Notes (on a Mac), Scrivener, Gmail. (I would not, however, submit long work just using the software. Hire an editor!)
So, #TIL that #ProWritingAid has a share feature. It's been years since I've used the web interface (usually just open my Scrivener file directly on my local computer.)
Guten Morgen vom Küchentisch. Grad die englische #Übersetzung meiner #Schottland-#Kurzgeschichte nochmal mit Hilfe von #ProWritingAid (ausgedehnter Spell- & Grammar Checker) durchgearbeitet. Die will ich auch heute oder spätestens morgen abgeben. #Überarbeiten #Autorenleben #writerslife #indieauthor
#Ubersetzung #schottland #kurzgeschichte #ProWritingAid #uberarbeiten #autorenleben #writerslife #indieauthor
#ProWritingAid keeps telling me my characters are using words that are too fancy. I also have a problem with their style recommendations, too many of them want me to remove material I consider important.
@nathan Thanks. I got the lifetime deal on #proWritingAid . I need all the help I can get when it comes to #writing !
Finished running TFS through #ProWritingAid. The suggestions for the majority of the WIP were actually pretty lean. That was a good confidence boost. I definitely am enjoying PWA as a writing tool, especially for how it challenges me to come up with better sentences now and then.
Now if I can just get Chapter Sixteen finished, I’ll be golden!
#amediting #AmWritingSFF #amwriting #ProWritingAid
Husband bought me lifetime access to PWA for early Christmas since it was 50% off so I spent yesterday fooling around with it. In the end I ended up writing over 2000 words on another project I have that I’ve been stalled on for months. Felt really good! I’m definitely enjoying PWA as a tool and feel like it will help me a lot when I get to run TFS through it.
#AmWriting #AmWritingSFF #ProWritingAid #TheFirstSinWIP
#TheFirstSinWIP #ProWritingAid #AmWritingSFF #amwriting
Looking for a way to find my groove, so I plugged my first chapter into #ProWritingAid to see what happens.
I'm weeping at the sheer volume of passive verbs, but at least I'm doing something 🙃🥲
This internet thing is a small world, sometimes.
I'm born and bred near #Boston and just relocated out near #Worcester. Really liking the change of pace, which also applies to #romancelandia.
I just attended the #RomanceWritersWeek through #ProWritingAid and was telling the husband I'd love to do an in-person con. What better than one I can commute to?!
#ProWritingAid #RomanceWritersWeek #romancelandia #worcester #boston
Ok. Enough procrastination. Time to return to my ongoing feud with #ProWritingAid's "Sticky Sentence Check."
Guten Morgen vom Küchentisch. Gerade habe ich das #Manuskript an die Lektorin geschickt. Gestern Nacht hatte mir #ProWritingAid meine französischen Anführungszeichen falsch angezeigt und ich hatte beschlossen, das heute früh nochmal zu prüfen. Und siehe da, sie waren richtig. Offenbar haben die da einen Bug, dass sie »die« nicht unfallfrei können. oO Okay, aber jetzt erstmal Kaffee und Frühstück. Mahlzeit. ☕ #Autorenleben #writerslife #indieauthor #Lektorat #PodcastingBook
#manuskript #ProWritingAid #autorenleben #writerslife #indieauthor #lektorat #PodcastingBook
One year ago it was all about grammar! #211 – "Its importent to get you’re grammer write; and ProWritingAid Will help with that," > https://bit.ly/3994XA3
#ProWritingAid #wpbuilds #wordpress #Grammar #podcast
Six months ago it was all about grammar! #211 – "Its importent to get you’re grammer write; and ProWritingAid Will help with that," > https://bit.ly/3994XA3
#ProWritingAid #wpbuilds #wordpress #Grammar #podcast
KWL Live Q&A with The Quartet https://kobowritinglife.com/2021/03/17/kwl-live-qa-with-the-quartet/ #ProWritingAid #FirstEditing #Fictionary #liveevent #KoboNews #Takeover #editing #Events #Blog #KWL #QA
#ProWritingAid #FirstEditing #Fictionary #liveevent #KoboNews #takeover #editing #events #blog #KWL #qa
TwitterChat: Improving your Writing with ProWritingAid https://selfpublishingadvice.org/twitterchat-improving-your-writing-with-prowritingaid/ #BookProduction&DistributionAdvice ##IndieAuthorChat #WritingAdvice #ProWritingAid #TwitterChat #software #spelling #grammar #writing
#bookproduction #IndieAuthorChat #writingadvice #ProWritingAid #twitterchat #software #spelling #grammar #writing