David Sugar · @tychosoft
244 followers · 3147 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I just published the first release of my first package crates.io/crates/commandit. Nothing special, this just helps me figure out what I would consider best practices for future things in rust. I likely will migrate to Rust, and introduce as Rust. Naturally I am using @codeberg for my git repo...

#rust #ProduceIt #babylon

Last updated 3 years ago

David Sugar · @tychosoft
244 followers · 3147 posts · Server fosstodon.org

If I take my amd64 chroot, and enable multi-arch support in it, I can then cross-compile debian source packages using dpkg-buildpackage --host-arch, in an already known clean environment. I can adjust produceit's buildit to support that directly.

#ProduceIt #debian

Last updated 3 years ago

David Sugar · @tychosoft
244 followers · 3147 posts · Server fosstodon.org

If I ever do see a board, I now do have an operational development environment and production packaging support for
focal -v using my own tooling built around and -riscv64 user mode.

#hifive #ubuntu #risc #ProduceIt #qemu

Last updated 3 years ago

David Sugar · @tychosoft
244 followers · 3147 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@codeberg I am happy, I have finally been able to take my first repo () thru a production release cycle hosted on , as I had to update my release workflows and deployment support scripts. This will make it much easier to start migrating my other repos to codeberg now. One quirk is that tags are out of order in the repo branch|tag chooser, with the new tag on the bottom of the list, after the imported ones, but are correctly ordered on the release page itself.

#ProduceIt #codeberg

Last updated 4 years ago

David Sugar · @tychosoft
244 followers · 3147 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Today I am releasing 1.0.4. This is actually the first announced release, though it has been around in some form for almost a decade and was originally called cape-devtools. It is a environment manager and some supporting utilities that I often had used to develop, test, and produce packages and repositories in the past. I now mostly use it to produce packages.


#alpinelinux #chroot #ProduceIt #debian

Last updated 4 years ago

David Sugar · @tychosoft
244 followers · 3147 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@kzimmermann gitlab.com/tychosoft/produceit actually originally was called cape-devtools in early ?2013? That came about because was so wasteful to operate and destroyed my first ssd...it still has some integrated debian package build support in it, though mostly I use it to host development now.

#ProduceIt #debian #pbuilder #alpine

Last updated 4 years ago