Let me show you how to use #JobsToBeDone (#JTBD) to facilitate the two-way #negotiations between #leadership and #ProductTeams that allows for managing by #outcomes.
#Agile #BusinessDecisions #ClaytonChristensen #Collaboration #ConsumerBehavior #CreativeProcess #DesignDecisions #DesignStrategy #Facilitation #JoshSeiden #LeanUX #OutcomesOverOutputs #ProblemFraming #ProductDefinition #ProductManagement #PsychologicalSafety #SharedUnderstanding #Visioneering #OKR
#jobstobedone #jtbd #negotiations #leadership #ProductTeams #outcomes #agile #businessdecisions #claytonchristensen #collaboration #consumerbehavior #creativeprocess #designdecisions #DesignStrategy #facilitation #joshseiden #leanux #outcomesoveroutputs #problemframing #productdefinition #productmanagement #PsychologicalSafety #sharedunderstanding #visioneering #okr
“When you make community part of product, [you’re saying] that your users are important, that the relationships that you develop with your users are important and positive, that you want to be able to not have a transactional relationship with your users, but actually one where you proactively engage, where you’re proactively identifying ways in which you have your users connected.” –Gitesh Gohel
#OnlineCommunities #Product #ProductTeams #CommunityManagement #CMGR
#onlinecommunities #product #ProductTeams #communitymanagement #cmgr