My first paper (+as 1st author) is out! This paper is about the ethical agency of AI developers. I chose this area for study because so little attention has been given to the agency of AI developers. We are almost exclusively focused on the ethics of algorithms and the companies deploying them. If we are to succeed in the project of ethical AI, it needs to be rooted in the practice itself, and for that we need to engage with developers. #ai #aiethics #professionalethics
#ai #aiethics #ProfessionalEthics
Active in #OnlineEducation from here in #Japan since 1995, this short paper is the culmination of my work:
"Online Education as a Discipline."
It has been read by over 6,000 researchers since 2021 on Academia Edu at but reviewers and readers haven't fully noticed how it goes beyond emergency remote teaching and #BlendedLearning to #disciplinarity and #interdisciplinarity,
#ProfessionalEthics #FacultyDevelopment, and #India's institutional culture of education.
From the Abstract: the paper "explains what a discipline is by clarifying the difference between a field and a discipline. Then it explains what online education is, as an academic discipline. It discusses disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity issues relevant to all academic fields."
Please read it and respond!
@edutooters @digisociety @sharedthinking @AlejandraPickett @mguhlin
#Education #EdTech
#HigherEducation #OnlineTeaching #DistanceEducation
#DistanceEducation #onlineteaching #highereducation #edtech #Education #India #facultydevelopment #ProfessionalEthics #interdisciplinarity #disciplinarity #blendedlearning #japan #onlineeducation